13 articles
Common Disbursement Questions
Transaction Processing for Network for Good Products - FAQ
Bonterra Payments FAQ
How do I set up Bonterra Payments as my payment processor?
California Assembly Bill 488 (CA AB-488) and Impacts to EligibilityThis article explains the impact of CA AB-488 on nonprofits who no longer may be able to solicit, fundraise, or receive donations.
How do I use Google Pay or Apple Pay as a payment option?
Required Eligibility for Network for Good's Donor-Advised Fund (DAF)
How do I clarify why my organization did not receive our expected payout?
How do I set up PayPal/Venmo as a payment option?
Required Eligibility for Bonterra Payments
How Do I Guide My Donors in Making a Donation Through PayPal?
How do I guide my donors through using Double the Donation?
How do I set up the Double the Donation configuration?