How can I manage my contacts?

Find your data's leads and evaluate the results easily.

Luise avatar
Written by Luise
Updated over a week ago

Where do I see my funnel's results and contacts?

  1. On the start page of your funnel account, go to the "Contacts" tab.

  2. You can access the overview of all leads that you have generated with the help of your funnels here. This way you can view the data of your customers and evaluate the results.

  3. First, click on the menu directly under Contacts and choose how you want to display your results. Then, select "All" so that all visitors and leads are visible to you. If you select "All Visitors", you are presented with an overview of all people who have visited your funnel. Select "All Leads" to see contacts who have filled out the form fields of your funnel.

Where can I find the data of a contact?

  1. Click on the name or the description of the contact.

  2. You can view the data of your contact in a new window on the right.

  3. If you don't want to see all contact data of a specific funnel, you can easily filter according to what you like to see.

Can I export my contacts?

  1. Click on the "Contacts" tab and select Export data on the right.

  2. An additional option is to export your contacts to a list or table using integrations.

How can I track where exactly my contacts bounce off in my funnel?

In Perspective Funnels:

  1. Go to your funnel.

  2. Click on the "Analytics" tab.

  3. You are then presented with an overview of the exact webpage in your funnel that funnel visitors spend time on before they exit your funnel.

In Google Analytics:

  1. Link your funnel to Google Analytics.

  2. Then, log in to your Google Analytics account.

  3. Click on the "Analytics" tab and on "Behavior".

  4. Select "Websitecontent" >> "All pages".

  5. If you currently only have one funnel linked to Google Analytics, follow the steps below:

    Click on "Change page title" at "Primary dimension". In the "Page views" column, you can see the number of visitors for each funnel page. The prospects bounce on the page that has significantly fewer page views. You can also add the "Average session duration" to your analysis if you wish to extend your analysis.

  6. If you've linked several funnels and pages to Google Analytics, follow the steps below:

    Click on "Page" under "Primary dimension". Then, select your desired funnel by clicking on its name. Select "Secondary dimension" and "Behavior", then "Page title". In this category, you can view individual funnel pages and analyze their respective "Page views" as well as "Average session duration".

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