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Plugzio Manager
Plugzio Manager

Everything you need to understand as a Plugzio device manager

The "Pay Per Day" Subscription Model: What is it and how does it work?
How to Change The Password of My Dashboard
Get Familiar With The Conditional Payment Plans
Get Familiar With The Simple Payment Plans
How To Switch Devices' Mode To Smart
How To Get A Report Of Your Management Wallet
How To Get A Report Of Consumption Per Device
How To Change The Payment Plan Of A Device
How To Register A New Device Under Your Management Dashboard
How To Export Wallet Transactions Data To an Excel Sheet?
How To Hide Your Wallet
How to Make the Hidden Devices Visible
Forgot Your Password? How to Reset the Password to Your Dashboard
How To Top Up Plugzio Wallet in the Management Dashboard
How To Add A User To A Plugzio Device
How To Withdraw The Revenue
How To Extend Software Subscription
How To Change The Password For Your Management Dashboard
Plugzio Devices Power Settings
How To Create & Edit Payment Plans
Sign Up For An Account & Register Your First Device
How To Top Up My Plugzio Wallet
Accessibility Modes: "Public" and "Private"
What Happens If The Plugzio Software Subscription Expires?
How To Set Up "Single User Auto-start"
How To Register Plugzio Devices Under Management Dashboard
How Do I Create A Payment Plan For A User?
How to Edit a Simple Payment Plan
How To Charge Someone Differently From Others (Payment Plan For Specific Users)
How do I hotspot my phone's cellular data to the Plugzio devices?
How To Extend Plugzio Software Subscriptions In Management Dashboard
What Is "Always On" Device Mode?
What Data Does Plugzio Collect For Management Dashboard's Services
How can Plugzio Level 1 and Level 2 devices be load balanced on the management dashboard?