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Frequently Asked Questions
A series of common questions asked by users.
Troubleshooting: Floating Footer
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Why Pitch in Qwoted?
What are topical tags and how can I add them to my PR or Expert profile?
How can I add or update employment information on Qwoted?
Why does Qwoted require pitching within the platform?
How can I delete my Qwoted account?
How to Pitch an Opportunity on Qwoted
How can I ensure I'm following Qwoted's Community Guidelines?
How can I edit my pitch?
Is Qwoted free for PRs/Experts?
How can I list my event on Qwoted's Events and Awards Database?
How can I adjust my email preferences?
How can I sign up for Qwoted for free?
How can I add/update the social media accounts on a Qwoted profile?
How can I reset my Qwoted password?
Connection Opportunities
Not Receiving Qwoted Emails?
The types of emails you'll see from Qwoted
How to change the Company field in the Employment section of a profile
How to Follow a Reporter
Pitching Best Practices
Two-Factor Authentication: FAQs
Filtering Media Opportunities by Region (UK and US)
How to publish a Press Release with Qwoted
Amplify This Pitch & Story Ideas
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