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How to Get Started with Enrollsy
How to Get Started with Enrollsy

Learn how to set up staff & admin accounts, how they log in, use Activities, and more!

Serena Edwards avatar
Written by Serena Edwards
Updated over a week ago

You're new to Enrollsy and need to get your Admin staff and/or Instructors up and running with the software. The following is all the information you need to get your staff signed into Enrollsy and start using it.

NOTICE! Admin & Instructor Users Checklist

We have put together an Enrollsy Admin & Instructors Checklist that you can send out to your Admin staff and/or Instructors. This template includes the following:

  • How to add and remove Admin Users & Instructors

  • How to log in to Enrollsy

  • Password reset link

  • Enrollsy Orientation (links to helpful support articles)

  • How to contact Enrollsy Support

Account Access

Instructors have two ways to access their accounts:

  1. By downloading the app
    - Apple App Store
    - Google Play

  2. Through a browser - we recommend Chrome or Safari. They will need to log in using this link: or

NOTE: Instructors CANNOT sign in on Enrollsy's website. Instructors (or Staff) must already be added to Enrollsy under Users > Instructors AND the "Include Login" box selected before they can log in.

Check out these articles for Instructor assistance in logging in:

Admin Training

We have put together a support article on how to train new Admin Users. This article includes information on:

  • How to remove and add Admin Users

  • How to create a new Admin account

  • Admin frequently asked questions

  • How to manage accounts and enrollees

  • How to contact Enrollsy support

Instructor/Staff Training

Instructors can browse the support articles under Enrollsy Support Center: Instructor Portal. Here they will find articles on the following topics:

  • Frequently asked questions

  • Signing in

  • How to access Classes

  • Communication

  • Activities

  • Kiosk & checking in


Admins ONLY can access these types of Documents: E-signature and Required Documents.

E-signature Documents

E-signature Documents, after uploaded, mapped to the Enroll Form, and attached to Programs, are emailed to the customer automatically after enrollment. They can also be sent manually by Admins. Click here to read more about E-signature Documents. This support article shows Customers how to receive and complete E-sign Documents.

Required Documents

After being uploaded and attached to Programs, required documents appear in the Customer Portal on a red banner at the top (for Documents needing to be uploaded or downloaded). You can learn more about Required Documents here. Here's a support article that explains how Customers can download or upload a Required Document.

Other Forms

Some other Documents/Forms available in Enrollsy and viewable/editable by Instructors:

  • Program Forms show up on the Enroll Form under the Program selected.

  • Activity Forms are added to a specific Activity, which is added to the Enrollee timeline and viewable on the Activities page in the Customer Portal.

  • Content can include Documents, links, photos, or videos added to a Program. Content can be viewed on the Content page in the Customer Portal.

Admin users can be notified of completed and incomplete Documents in their own Notification Center. See "How to be notified of completed Documents" for more information. See this support article for how to set up the Admin Notification Center.

NOTE: The Notification Center is your OWN PERSONAL Notification Center. No other Admin User shares that particular Notification Center.


Sometimes Admin users will need to manually enter a payment for a Customer. You can enter any payment method for a Customer including cash, check, ACH, or credit card (depending on the specific methods your company accepts). NOTE: Admins do have to manually add any convenience fee/credit card fee when doing manual payments. See the following support article for more detailed instructions:


To learn about how to create and post Activities, how to create and attach an Activity Form, and more, see the resources below:

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