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Navigation bar update

navbar, navigation, icons, collect, analyze, take action

Gustav Thomasson avatar
Written by Gustav Thomasson
Updated over a week ago

We re-organized the navigation bar for more user friendly product navigation and to make using Feedbackly more clear. The navigation bar is now collapsable so that you can have more screen dedicated to analyzing feedback.

1. Collect

The Collect section houses your Surveys and Touchpoints, so that you can ask the right questions, in the right places, at the right times to gather the feedback your business needs.

2. Analyze

Under the Analyze section you can really drill down into the data and using Survey Analytics and Customer Journeys to learn who buys, who churns, who browses, who leaves, and why - all in real-time.

3. Take action

Take Action houses Notification Rules which help you set up powerful automatic notification rules for when you receive certain types of feedback.

4. User profile

User Profile collects the Organizations button that let's you quickly switch between your available organisations. Settings let's you manage your User Profile and Privacy Policy amongst other things.

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