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Student Experience
41 articles
What is the difference between Assignment Report and Points History?
Why is my student's answer marked incorrect?
How do I allow students to work on problems (skills) without a $ sign?
How do students know they are working in Spiral Review?
What is the student calendar?
How do students log out of GMM?
How do my students enter an exact answer for a repeating decimal?
How do my students enter No Solution or Infinite Possibilities as an answer?
How do students change the increments on the axes?
How do students enter undefined as an answer?
Session closed - did you log in somewhere else?
How do students earn game credits? How do I offer other game options?
What is the magenta dot?
Why does GMM include nonsense words in some of the skills?
Why doesn't GMM provide feedback to students on incorrectly answered problems?
Can I turn penalties off? Can I clear a student's penalties?
How to graph inequalities on a number line?
How do I turn off games for a class or for an individual student?
What are cut corners? Why do my students have orange corners on their squares?
What are points? How do students earn points?
Do you have questions about student displays and input of answers?
How do students know whether to use a line, ray, or segment when graphing?
What are the keyboard options? Why can't my student enter a fraction?
How do my students enter answers?
What do the colors of the squares mean?
What does a $ mean and why are the $ signs important?
What are penalties?
What do the falling crowns mean?
How do students turn off the smiley faces? Why would students want to turn off the smiley faces?
Do game credits expire?
How does a student switch from one class to another?
What is the Show Answer button?
Does Get More Math have a read aloud option?
How can I allow my students to use the 'Need help?' button while I am online?
My students' screens look different. What do I need to know?
What are the white squares on my students' screens?
How do I make sure my students finish the targeted skills before working in Spiral Review?
Adjusting student keyboard settings
How do students find their work history or view their points? Where is GMM's Student Data Self-Monitoring worksheet?
How do students know when they've completed their assignments?
How do students find assignments?