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Health & Safety
Important information about health considerations and safety measures while using Perifit Care
41 articles
Can I use Perifit Care after an episiotomy ?
Can I use Perifit Care while on my period ?
I Have Muscle Pain After Training – What Should I Do?
Vaginal farts after using Perifit Care
Irritation / rash / infection after using Perifit Care
My symptoms are getting worse
Vaginal bleeding after using Perifit Care
Leakage or urge when using Perifit Care
Discomfort or pain while using Perifit Care
Can two people use the same Perifit Care?
How safe is Perifit Care?
ContraindicationsSituations where Perifit Care or Perifit Care+ use might be restricted or cautioned
Can I use Perifit Care if I have an implanted device ?
Can I use Perifit Care during pregnancy ?
Using Perifit Care with a coil or intrauterine device (IUD)?
Can I use Perifit Care if I just gave birth ?
Can I use Perifit Care after surgery?
Take out vaginal ring (NuvaRing and the like)?
Should I take out my pessary ?
Can men use Perifit Care?
Pelvic Health Insights
Dive deep into understanding various pelvic health conditions and how Perifit Care can assist
Stress Incontinence ResultsAn overview of stress incontinence and its management
Taking care of your pelvic floor everyday
Pelvic Health PostpartumTips and precautions after intensive pelvic training
Pelvic floor disorders
Diastasis Recti
Perifit Care during urinary tract or vaginal infectionSafety guidelines for using the device during infections
Can I use Perifit Care if I suffer from uterine fibroid?
Pelvic Floor, Labour & Birth
Hypertonic Pelvic Floors
Menopause and Pelvic Floor
Most common questions from our users
Kegel 101
At what age can you start using Perifit Care?
Pelvic floor training after a C-section?
Can Perifit Care slow down prolapse ?
Can Perifit Care help relax pelvic floor muscles ?
Can Perifit Care help treat recurrent urinary tract infections (UTI)?
Use Perifit Care with no pelvic floor issues?
Can Perifit Care measure my baseline tone ?
Can I travel with Perifit?
How to update my program's targetsstep by step description of how to update your program's targets and health objectives