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WebCargo Air Features
WebCargo Air Features

Scheduling, comparing rates and searching for them too. Get a smooth landing with this guide.

How to use the analytics toolDownload detailed reports in order to see the performance of your team, with visual graphs to view quotes and eBookings.
How to download XLS reportsUsing the XLS reporting tool, you can download visual graphs in order to see the performance of your team on the platform.
How to download airline rate informationYou can download airline rate information (up-to-date, about to expire, expired) using this simple tool.
How to use the currency converter toolUsing WebCargo's currency converter tool you can get the most up to date exchange rates, as well as uploading your own negotiated rates.
How to use the statistics toolUnderstand how your team is using the WebCargo Air platform to search for airline rates and quote.
How to mass update usersWith the mass update features, you can use the mass update feature on WebCargo to change setting to multiple users at one time.
How to manage homepage news sectionsFind out how you can control and add your own news sections including from RSS sources.
How to download specific airline ratesFind out how to download market, promo, last minute and contract rates on your WebCargo Air account.
How to select a branch when making a quote
How to grant users access to all branchesIf a user needs visibility of all branches and quotes within the database, follow these steps to set this up.
How to assign branches to usersWhat happens when we want to assign specific branches to users on the WebCargo platform? Find out how with this article.
How to add a branchSometimes, we'll need branches depending on where our offices are located. Find out how to create one with this article.
How to use the Airport Maps toolFind the closest airports to your destination by using this intuitive and easy-to-use tool.
How to share static ratesFind out how to successfully share your static rates with your agents or other freight forwarders in other parts of the world.
How to search for flight schedulesFind out how you can find all available flights using WebCargo’s schedule tool.
Reporting on Rate Validity: Active Rates/What you See (an Overview)Cruise smoothly with theis overview explaining rate validity.
How to manage your clientsAdd individual clients, client groups, and client contacts all in one place.
How to upload your client details using an Excel fileUpload multiple client information in one go by using the file upload tool.