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AWEbase glossary

Definitions of key AWEbase terms

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Written by Tech Support
Updated over a week ago

Assignable: Once an organization is satisfied with a Deliverable it has created, it must be marked assignable, so that it may be associated with a JobOpp or Job.

Budget: Each Release can have its own budget, which can be divided up per category (e.g., a certain amount for "writing" and another amount for "artwork").

Category: A Deliverable’s category defines what kind of Deliverable it is - artwork, writing, 3D model, etc.

Contract: In AWEbase, creating a Job creates a contract between an organization and a contractor, which both parties can digitally sign from within AWEbase itself.

Contract Deadline: Each Job has a deadline, which is the date by which the contractor has agreed to supply the Deliverables in that contract.

Contract Email: When an organization receives a signed copy of a contract from a contractor, a copy of that contract is sent, via e-mail, to the contract email of the person or department responsible for archiving or tracking contracts.

Contractor: A contractor provides content or services to an organization on a freelance basis. Contractors have their own AWEbase accounts, separate from any organizations that may hire them. In order to do business with an organization, a contractor must agree to connect with that organization.

Contractor Group: A contractor group is a collection of contractors assembled by a an organization staff member in order to contact them all at once.

Contract Template: Each contract in AWEbase is generated from a contract template, which contains an organization’s standard legal language, but allows the system to fill in key information, such as the contractor’s name, Deliverable specifics, and deadlines.

Deliverable: A Deliverable is discrete component of work, such as a single illustration, news article, or 3D model. A Deliverable can also be a service, such as catering at an event, or software development performed for a specified period of time. Each Deliverable is tied to a Release, and each Release can have any number of Deliverables.

Deliverable File: When finished with a Deliverable, a contractor may upload its final version apart from the review files. Deliverable files may be of any file type.

Due Date: Each Deliverable has a due date, which is when the organization needs the Deliverable in-hand.

Financial Email: Each organization needs the e-mail address of the financial team to which payment requests and revoked payment requests are sent. (Note that AWEbase sends requests, but doesn't send or track the payments themselves.)

Key Date: Each Release has a key date, though it's up to the organization to determine what that date represents.

Job: A Job uses a contract to connect a single contractor to any number of Deliverables that they have agreed to deliver.

JobOpp: A JobOpp is a collection of one or more Deliverables, and and any number of contractors that an organization is interested in recruiting to help create those Deliverables.

JobOpp Inquiry: A JobOpp Inquiry is a request that an organization sends to one or more contractors, inviting them to help create one or more Deliverables.

Organization: In AWEbase, an organization is a business or other entity that manages Jobs and hires contractors. Individuals associated with an organization are referred to as its "staff members."

Payment Request: In order to pay a contractor, an organization staff member must submit a payment request to their organization's financial team, who receive the request as an email.

Reference File: A Deliverable's reference file is any digital asset that an organization has uploaded for use as reference by its contractor.

Release: A Release is a specific version of a Title. For example, if the Title is a magazine, a Release might be the October issue of that magazine. Each Release is tied to a Title, and each Title can have any number of Releases.

Review File: While working on a Deliverable, a contractor may upload a review file: that is, a digital asset for the organization to review.

Role: Each staff member of an organization has a role, such as "manager" or "coordinator," and each role has its own set of permissions.

Staff Member: Users who are associated with an organization are referred to as staff members of that organization.

Step: A Deliverable's step describes what stage of development it's in. The organization determines what step a Deliverable is on, and its category defines what those steps are. The "Artwork" category, for example, starts with the "Initial Sketch" step, and ends with "Final" step.

Tags: Staff members can assign tags to Deliverables and contractors, giving their organization another way to organize its data. Staff can use existing tags, create new ones on the fly, or delete those that aren't used.

Title: A Title is a master product, such as a board game, a magazine, an event, or a piece of software.

Type: A category's type further defines what kind of item a Deliverable is, or how it is to be used. For instance, the category "Artwork" may have the type "Cover Art."

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