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Help articles for features of the Programs page in Bound
27 articles
Global Settings for PracticesDefault for Approval of Practices, Default for overriding availability set in Facility Management
Syncing Forward Program LevelsProvides step by step instructions on how School Admins can sync forward their program levels
Entering Scores and StatsHow to enter scores and stats for you team's events.
Adding Scores for Track Meets
How to Create & Score a Baker Tournament in BowlingHere is a step-by-step tutorial for creating & scoring a baker tournament in bowling on your schedule!
How to Create & Score Wrestling MeetsHere is a step-by-step tutorial for creating and scoring wrestling meets in your schedule!
Logging into Bound as a CoachHow to login to your Bound admin account as a coach.
Deleting a ScoreI scored the wrong game. How can I delete the score?
Managing Your Program's StudentsHow to manage the students that participate in your program across all levels.
Registering Your Student for an Activity (For Parents and Guardians)How to create your Family Account and register your child for activities at your school.
Merge StudentI see a student in for two different sports. How can I merge them?
How to Edit a Student Athlete's Name on Your RosterHere is a step-by-step tutorial for editing a student athlete's name on your roster!
Managing Your Team's Roster - Schools not using Activity RegistrationHow to add students and manage your team's roster
Managing Your Team's Roster - School Uses Activity Registration
Quick Roster Management for FloridaHow to access and use Quick Roster Management for Florida in Bound to submit a roster to SSAA
How to Create Custom Message GroupsHow to create customer message groups and assign followers to them.
How to Add Followers to MessengerHow to add followers to Messenger so they can receive messages at the Team, Program, and/or School level.
How to Send MessagesHow to send communications using Messenger at the Team, Program, and School levels.
Messenger FAQ's