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Storiez Lexicon

Publishing points, Pitches, Story properties, Modular mappings,... Find out what it all means

Updated over 3 weeks ago

















This Lexicon contains all terminology used for Storiez.

Have a look in this article for the Cuez Lexicon and here for the Automator Lexicon.



The ‘Actual’ priority is for stories that are ongoing, happening ‘at the moment’. These can be stories that have just happened or are currently developing, or they can be stories linked to events happening on multiple days or weeks. More information here.


The 'Archived' priority is an ideal place to move stories to that are no longer needed, but that you do not want to delete or drop. Learn more about story priority in this article.


When creating or viewing stories and sub stories, whether in your News Desk, Story Tray, and/or individual Publishing Points, you can assign them to yourself or someone in your team. Have a look at this article on how to assign a Story.



The 'Breaking' priority is ideal to add stories for events that have just happened, or are currently occurring or developing. Learn more about the different stories priorities here.



Dossiers, also known as briefs, are rich text documents where all sorts of information for the story can be collected and written. Find all the information on how to create your Dossiers in this article.

Dossier Template

You can create Dossier templates in Storiez so that it is easy to start a Dossier for a story. Templates can be created in a way to be a simple 'skeleton' or templates can be worked out in more detail with more content. Learn more about Dossiers Template here.



The 'Events' priority can be used in a similar way as the 'Pitch' priority, but stories under 'Events' usually have at least one or more 'Activities' added to them in the story properties. More information about stories priorities in this article.



For each of the available views you can select for your News Desk, filters can be applied to further customize the content displayed. You can filter using many different properties, and you can combine multiple filters as needed. More information here.



You can easily change the layout of the News Desk to fit your needs! Choose from a 1 day view, 4 days, week, month or 'Elvis'. Most views have extra options to further customize how you prefer content to be shown. Find out more here.


Lists are a way to collect and show information in a side panel on the right hand side of Storiez. Lists can be custom created, meaning that you can create a list for Contacts, a list of editors in your team, a list of locations, etc. More information in this article.



When creating stories, it is very likely that media will be added to it. Whether it is a video or an image, a single one or an entire collection, Storiez allows you to add all the media you need. For more information on how to add medias in your Story, have a look here.


News Desk

The News Desk contains all the content created by your team, scheduled on a certain date (and time) and you can easily change the layout of the News Desk to fit your needs.

More information in this article.

News Feed

News Feeds, or RSS feeds, are feeds of information that are provided in a way that is usually designed to be interpreted by a computer/smartphone application. For more information on News Feed and how to add them in Storiez, have a look at this article.



'Pitches' are potential stories, stories that are not yet confirmed that they will be handled or scheduled. Once it is decided that a pitched story will go through, ideally it would be moved to one of the other priorities. Have a look here for more information.


The Storiez News Desk provides different 'Priorities' to add your stories under, and you can then collapse segments in the News Desk layout, allowing you to create stories directly under a certain priority. Learn more about the Priorities in this article.

Publishing Point

When stories are created in your News Desk, sub stories can then be created for different Publishing Points. These can be your website, certain social media platforms, other outputs via webhooks, and also your Episodes in Cuez. More information here.


Story Tray

The 'Story Tray' (which can be opened with the blue tab/button on the right hand side of Storiez), is an easily available, compact version of your News Desk.

More information here.

Sub story

Sub stories are the content you create in one of your Publishing Points, so the 'children' of the story. More information about Sub Stories and how to create them, in this article.

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