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Overview of roles in iQualify
Overview of roles in iQualify

An overview of the roles in iQualify and the permissions that are attached

Christine Nicholls avatar
Written by Christine Nicholls
Updated over a week ago

There are a number of roles in iQualify and people can have multiple roles depending on the tasks they need to perform. For instance, you might be a course author and you might also facilitate a class of learners. In that case, you’d have all the permissions of an author, and a facilitator.

The image below gives a brief overview of the permissions of the roles.

Roles in iQualify

Let’s look at each of the roles in more detail..


Learners are added to courses and, when the course starts, can access course material, complete tasks and contribute to any social elements that have been enabled for the course.

Below you will see an example dashboard for a learner.

Check out Learning with iQualify for an overview of what a learner can do.


When a facilitator first logs into iQualify, their dashboard is much like a learner’s, except they will see Facilitate on their course card.

What’s different is that when the facilitator is in a course, they have access to the Class Console where they can view learners’ progress, tasks , pulse responses etc. .

Facilitators can also mark and provide feedback for tasks and engage with learners using a range of social tools (provided these elements are enabled for this class activation).

Main facilitators have extra permissions in that, if Class Management is enabled, they can manage their class by adding and removing learners, or other facilitators and coaches.

Check out Facilitating with iQualify for an overview of what a facilitator can do.


Coaches are allocated to particular learners. They can view and mark only those tasks of learners they have been assigned.. A coach also has access to view course content.

Check out Coaching with iQualify for an overview of what a coach can do.


Authors create, review, publish and maintain courses in iQualify. They do this in Create.

They can also invite reviewers and/or other authors to collaborate with them on their courses.

Authors can only edit courses they have created themselves or have been added to by another author.

Check out Creating courses with iQualify for an overview of what an author can do.


Reviewers can review and comment on courses they have been invited to collaborate on by an author. But they cannot edit or publish these courses.

Check out Reviewing courses with iQualify for an overview of what a reviewer can do.


Managers can create class activations from the courses that authors have published. They can see a list of activations, like this.

They add learners, facilitators, and coaches to these classes and can set dates and customise course settings such as social channels or course overview information.

Check out Creating class activations with iQualify for an overview of what a manage user can do.

Account owner

Account owners manage iQualify settings at an organisational level and personalise their LMS.

For example, account owners can configure available features, manage their brand and integration options, and manage user accounts e.g. authorising access for new authors and iQualify manager users.

Check out our Quick start guide for account owners to find out more about what an account owner can do.

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