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Facilitating with iQualify (legacy activities and assessment)

A brief overview of key things to know when facilitating a legacy activities and assessments course on iQualify.

Caitlin Foran avatar
Written by Caitlin Foran
Updated over a week ago

This article is a quick look at what you can see and do when you're learning with iQualify. We've tried to keep this as a one-page overview, so we've included links out to more information throughout if you need it.

Courses within iQualify can have their own specific setups

Remember each course can be set up a little differently by the organisation or manager, so you might not see exactly everything we've listed here.

The experience for a learner

To get a feel for iQualify, it's a good idea to understand first what it's like for learners. Read Learning with iQualify to see an overview of what options learners have available to them.

What you'll see as a facilitator is very similar, with just the odd difference here and there, like Facilitate instead of Continue the course as learners see.

If you ever get stuck getting around, you can see loads of different tours available by choosing Help when you're in iQualify. Find out where Help is located and the tours available.

Marking and giving personalised feedback

The Class list is a handy way to see which assessments learners have done at a glance.

You can select the assessments to view, mark and give personalised feedback. If you have other people supporting you in marking or moderation, check out adding a coach for post-moderation or reviewer for pre-moderation.

Giving feedback on formative activities within the content pages is a little different. For them, you might want to have just a few select ones you feedback on. Pop into where that activity is in the page and you'll be able to give feedback and see other responses.

Making announcements

In some courses, you'll be able to make announcements and facilitate forum-like discussions.

Note: The specifics of exactly what you'll have available depend on how your learning organisation has set up the activation.

The Talk channels let you add a post to a particular topic. Channels can be one-way (announcement only) or two-way where learners can initiate posts as well.

If there's a new post, you'll see a green dot.

Getting the pulse of learners

You can send out a real-time poll (pulse) for learners to complete over a set amount of time.

Pulses can be:

Notifications and monitoring

The marking list and talk channel dots described above are ways to task submissions and posts. But you'll also get notified about certain actions.

You can set up different preferences for when you'll get an email (talk channel posts, assessed task submissions etc.) via your profile or subscribing to a talk channel.

As well as having the option to view some insights about what learners have been up to in your course.

Editing the content or activation

In iQualify we've created a few different roles as we know in many organisations, the people who build the courses or enrol learners in classes aren't necessarily the ones teaching. You can find out which roles can do what in Overview of roles in iQualify.

It's also useful to know that the activation (class) that facilitators are added to, is not the editable content (course). Watch the video below to see the difference.

Other help

Want to see what other articles we have for learning with iQualify? Check out our Legacy activities and assessments collection.

Need some help with technology bits and bobs? Technology troubleshooting - Frequently asked questions has answers to common questions relating to logging in, using your browser and recording from your webcam.

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