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General FAQs
Generally speaking, how does EyeRate work?
Share your reviews on Social Media!
What is Edge's provisioning process?
How can I send out texts manually to multiple customers at one time?
What is Edge's Privacy Policy and Terms of Service?
How much does the Marketing Campaign SMS cost?
How do we update our information for invoicing or get receipts for previous invoices paid?
We're not getting the results we want, is there anything we can do to get employees and customers more engaged?
What keywords are allowed and not allowed in message flows? Is there a list?
Define being "live." Does live mean getting google conversions or is our integration just complete?
How do we know if a review was posted on Google through Edge and not organically?
Can I use manual SMS while waiting on integration process?
Are we in compliance?
How do I reset my password?
How can I update the verbiage for the surveys sent to customers?
What is a 'Flow' on the SMS Actions Tab?
How can I update our billing/payment information?
Is there a support number to reach Edge?
How to add/edit Employees?
How do I set up a pin?
What does Converted Customers mean?
What does it mean if the Employee hasn't hit the threshold to claim their earnings?
Tips and Tricks to Increase your Results with Edge
How to resend an invite?
How Can I Manage My GBP Connection and Permissions?
How to Update Login Info for Manager Changeover
What is Edge's New Landing Page SMS Flow?
Access Manager Dashboard
Employee Profiles
How Do I Manage the User Permissions?