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What is the maximum age for out of country insurance with the co-operators?
Does my plan have coverage for home nursing care?
Drug Finder - What is it and How do I use it?
What is Beneplan Inc's Privacy Policy
Free drug cards to reduce your costs and save you money
Living Assistance benefit (Life Insurance) with Cooperators
I'm turning 65 years of age. Am I still covered for my Extended Health benefits?
I need medical assistance and I'm out of the Country
Does my coverage include an employee assistance program?
My drugs are not being fully covered under my plan, and I can't afford the additional cost. What can I do? (Drug Advocacy program)
What vaccines are covered under my plan?
I am Out of the Country and I have a medical emergency. What do I do?
My Naturopath recommended supplements. Are they covered?
Continue your Life or Health Insurance coverage after leaving your company group plan
Are my prescription eyeglasses covered?
Am I covered for Out of Country Travel Insurance?
What if I have a preexisting condition and travel Out of Country?
Dental Fee Guide
My drugs are not covered under my plan? Is there anything I can do?
All about the Beneplan HR Toolkit