Here is a breakdown of how the setup of Program/Classes works in Enrollsy:
The first thing a customer is presented with is your Location. This feature allows you to keep information for different Locations separate and organized.
Single Location
If you have a single Location, there's not much you need to know other than the following:
The Location name will be shown in the top right when you are signed in as an Admin
The Location will be auto-selected for the customer at enrollment
Multiple Locations
If you have multiple Locations, the Location you have selected at the top may or may not affect the information you see on the page. Here are the pages that Location selection DOES NOT affect:
Submissions (Leads/Gift Cards)
Programs Tab (within Classes page or My Company page) - Check out this support article for why the Program page appears under multiple Locations.
NOTE: Pay attention to which Location you select to ensure you are in the correct Location for what you are viewing or editing.
You can edit the Location name if needed by clicking on the cog icon. The word "Location" is also a label and can be changed to Area, District, Locale, Region, etc.
You also must make sure the Location is published before people can enroll. The eye icon will be crossed out if published, indicating that the only action you can take is to unpublish it.
Enrollment Period
It starts with an Enrollment Period. This is the framework of your Programs and Classes. It's the "school year," so to speak.
Enrollment Periods are essential if you have start and end dates for Programs or Classes and need people to enroll in a specific period, semester, cohort, etc.
The phrase "Enrollment Period" is also a label and can be changed to Course, Term, School Year, Season, etc. The Enrollment Period dropdown menu is displayed on these pages:
From any of these pages, you can not only access your Enrollment Periods, but you can also create new ones, duplicate existing ones, and archive or delete them.
If you haven't made at least one Enrollment Period, please see one of these articles:
A Program typically has the following options:
While Programs can vary dramatically in structure, they always organize Enrollees into distinct groupings (usually funneling down to price). The word "Program" is also a label and can be changed to Plans, Trips, etc.
Many Programs have Classes that have a capacity indicating the total number of Enrollees they can accommodate. The Program tab can be accessed on these pages:
The following is an example Programs page with the Program Options at the top (accessed by a blue cog icon) and the list of Programs below. This page is also called the Program editor.
If you haven't made at least one Program, please see this article to learn how to create a Program.
To learn more about Programs, please see one of these articles:
Please see our Support Center for more articles on how to create specific Programs with Simple, Days per Week, and Classes Enrollment Models.
A Class is set within a Program. For example, you might have a Program called "Summer Camp" and two Classes within that Program called "Summer Preschool" and "Summer School-Age."
Classes may also have a capacity indicating the total number of Enrollees they can accommodate. The word "Class" is also a label and can be changed to Course, Group, Session, etc.
Classes are accessed via the left-side menu. On the Classes page, you can do a variety of things, including:
Share Classes with other Programs
Add Instructors to Class
Edit days/times, prices (if applicable), capacity, description, and email reminders
Add Waitlists to Classes
Here is an example of a Classes page. The Programs are listed on the left side. Click on a Program to see the Classes within it. Waitlists can be added to individual Classes.
If you haven't made at least one Class, please see this support article to learn how to create a Class.
To learn more about Classes, please see one of these articles:
This gives you an overview of how Programs and Classes are set up in Enrollsy. During the enrollment process, this is also how your customers view the process, choosing a Location (if applicable), then an Enrollment Period and a Program, and a Class.