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Q: Got questions? A: We got answers. Short, sweet, and to the point.

SortScape tried to charge my card, but the payment failed/bounced due to insufficient funds. Can you try to charge the card again?
Does SortScape have a mobile app?
How does everything fit together within SortScape?
How can I get a list of all my customers grouped by suburb or post code?
Can each employee be logged in on different phones or computers at same time?
Can updates happen with multiple users logged in at once?
I have sold my business and a new person will be taking over. Is there a way for me to transfer my SortScape account to the new buyer so they can just take over?
Does SortScape allow me to schedule visits on weekends?
Is there a limit on the number of jobs I can schedule?
How do I reload the screen in the mobile app?
What do the color codes on the schedule mean?
How do I import my existing customers into SortScape?
How do I update my email address?
How do I cancel my account?
How can I pause my repeating jobs?
Is SortScape available in my country?
How do I change the contact for a property?
What do all the visit icons on the schedule mean?
I need more time on my free trial - can I extend it?
How can I view the list of unscheduled visits in the mobile app?
I get a messages saying "Address is already used for another property" when trying to create a property
Why would a Xero supplier get imported into SortScape?
How can I clear my schedule and start over?
How do I delete my account
Can I send text messages from my own number?
How do I update my credit card information?
Can I convert a one-off visit into a repeating visit?
How do I access the administrative functions of SortScape?
How do I select a cheaper plan than what is being displayed?
Can I download all my customer data?
How do I upload my profile photo?
Why is the invoice PDF not attached to the invoice emails?
Why aren't my customers receiving sms reminders?
How do I find overdue / incomplete visits?
How to schedule recurring tasks like fertilizer applications alongside regular visits
FAQ - How can I edit my invoice template?
FAQ - why do end dates get added to my repeating visits?
What if I have trouble connecting to SortScape?
How can I learn more about SortScape and how to use it? Do you offer demos?