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Insights & Compliance
Improve your decision making through real time insights. Documents, Reporting & User Dashboards
Learn how to store, manage, and access important policies and files within Breathe
Company documents areaUpload and view company documents and search using the great tagging system
People documents areaView all documents related to an employee
The More Tab: ID DocumentsWhat is included in a users ID docs tab in Breathe
Why store your documents on Breathe?Breathe has a place for every HR policy and employee document
Generate insightful report and analytics on HR related data
Absence ReportsHoliday, Leave, TOIL and Adjustments
Change logsView changes made to people's profiles
Expense ReportsSubmitted, Approved, Rejected and Completed expenses
Exporting reports from BreatheTop tips for effective exporting of reports from Breathe to Excel/Sheets etc
HR ReportsReports about your people
Leave Overview ReportA brief guide on the Leave Overview Report in breathe
People data exportAll your employees and all their profile information
Remuneration ReportsAll things money!
Reports OverviewWho has permission to see which reports?
Time logs reportProvides you with a list of time taken by your employees
Sickness ReportsAnnual Sickness, Sickness Overview, Sickness Trends
Burnout monitor reportIdentify employees at risk of burnout
Headcount ReportReport on your employee numbers in real time
Turnover ReportView employee turnover within your company, including the number ofhires, exits, and turnover rates
User Dashboards
Useful guides on navigating Breathe user dashboards
The DashboardAn overview of your Dashboard within Breathe
User DashboardA brief tour of the user dashboard
Community DashboardWhat you can find in the community dashboard & how to use it