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DecipherAg Release Notes - Updated 7/12/2023
DecipherAg Release Notes - Updated 7/12/2023

Find out what's changed recently in DecipherAg.

Updated over a week ago

June 5, 2024 DAM V4.2.10

DecipherAG Mobile improvements:

  • Warning message added when moving site in a job to avoid user error.

  • Change of plant growth stages for better flow through the CSBP systems.

  • Visible email address for user to check login details.

  • Sites and barcodes check - user is now able to check list of sites and matching barcodes. Unscanned sites are at the top of the list for better user experience.

Web V6.3.0

Paddock plan improvement: Logical view for samples depths in samples results chart for better comparison.

December 7, 2023 DAM v4.1.3

DecipherAG Mobile improvement: Use Wi-fi only to sync data - for users in low phone connectivity.

Learn more about it here

June 14, 2023, Web V6.1.0

New Agtech Support Number


Simplify DecipherAg menus

Changes have been made to DecipherAg to make it easier for users to navigate DecipherAg by simplifying the menu.

The new menu groups commonly used features together.

Key changes

  • MyData has been replaced with links to relevant data from Samples and Imagery

  • A new Setup menu contains the main components used to start using DecipherAg

  • Plan menu contains the main components used at the start of the season

  • Review contains the main components used at the end of the season, including yield.

  • Samples and imagery remain unchanged

  • Notes have been retired

Old Menu

New Menu

Learn more about the changes here.

May 5, 2023, Web V6.0.0

Implement Azure B2C Authentication

This change allows DecipherAG and myCSBP users to access both systems using the same credentials, providing greater convenience and enhanced security.

Learn more about it here

January 24, 2023, Web V5.38.0

Minor improvements

November 24, 2022, Web V5.37.0

Nutrient Use Efficiency (NUE) Review

DecipherAg displays Nutrient Use Efficiency (NUE) using paddock nutrient application rates and standard removal rates based on the crops yield.

NUE is expressed as a percentage and can be used as an indication of how well a crop or pasture has taken up the nutrients applied.

Learn more about NUE here.

Gross Margin (GM) Review

DecipherAg displays Gross Margin (GM) across paddocks.
This calculation is based on fertiliser applications and their associated costs compared with yield and grain price.

Learn more about GM here

September 7, 2022 , Web v5.36.1

Water Use Efficiency (WUE) Review

Water Use Efficiency (WUE) is the measure of how much yield (kg), is produced per millimeter of Growing Season Rainfall (GSR): 25% of Nov – March + 100% of 1st April -31st Oct calculated from SILO weather data service. A higher number indicates higher efficiency.

Learn more about WUE here.

DecipherAg Mobile

  • Ability to upload/attach multiple photos at a time.

  • Compress photo size on upload.

  • Save photos taken with camera during Scouting or Collecting to the Gallery.

August 11, 2022, Web v5.35.0

CO2e Review

CO2e, or carbon dioxide (CO2) equivalent, is a standard unit for measuring carbon emissions. It expresses the impact of each different greenhouse gas in terms of the amount of CO2 that would create the same amount of warming. That way, a carbon footprint consisting of lots of different greenhouse gases can be expressed as a single number.
Learn more about CO2e here.
Learn about DecipherAg CO2e review here

Job planning - Sampling


  • Split year accounts have been replaced with calendar year – all affected data has been moved across.


DecipherAg Mobile

  • Ability to edit site and paddock name once an adhoc site has been created.

  • Sample task - Delete and edit option

  • Receive planned plant sample SIF information from the web.

  • Job: Delete and edit option

July 6, 2022 - Web v5.32.0

DecipherAg Mobile


June 2, 2022 - Web v5.30.1

Manage Jobs

Prescription files

Farm Boundaries


Improvements to Plans

May 15, 2022 – Web V5.29.0

DecipherAg Mobile

  • Plant bag scanning tested and optimized.


  • Variable Rates files from Plans as read only.


  • Optimize yield capability for large number of files.

My data

  • Improve MyData file structure with searchable folder and file names and logical order.


  • Export prescriptions from My Data screen

April 20, 2022 – Web v5.28.0



  • Product drop down list allowing for custom blends in prescriptions.


  • Samples results ordered by depth then depth in soil pop up, allowing for better comparison.

March 28, 2022 – Web v5.27.0


  • Nickel added as an analyte result

  • Upload status remains on screen when uploading samples


  • Colour scale for zones added.

Feb 16, 2022 – Web v5.26.0

Site management


Farm maps

  • Ability to turn off arable hectares labels on map.


  • Ability to turn off zones during manual job planning.

January 24, 2022 – Web v5.25.0

Job planning

- Select a farm when planning a job.

- Allow mix of manual and auto selection of sites in a job.

December 15, 2021 – Web v5.24.0

Site Suggestions

· Hover on paddocks to view suggested sites.

· Click on paddock to add sites to the job.

Job Planning improvements

- New compact job panel (Left hand side).

- Auto naming of new manual sites.

- New Auto/manual Add Sites to job panel (Right hand side).

Management plans

- Fertiliser placement added to paddock plans, nutrient templates and PDFs.

- Crop types updates in the list of nutrient templates.


- Yield function enabled – Contact your local Area Manager for more information and to subscribe.


- Roll out of an auto generated zone for all accounts : Seasonal NDRE 2015-2021

November 24, 2021 – web v5.22.0

DecipherAg Mobile

  • Push notifications implemented to ensure job is submitted.


  • Zone creation performance enhanced:

  1. Bulk manual zone creation

  2. Bulk auto zone creation

  3. Bulk rename and edit


  • Add new crop dropdown

  • Update PDF plans

  • Add search to crop selection

  • Reduce amount of necessary information to be added by user.

October 18, 2021 – Web v5.19.0


September 15, 2021 – Web v5.17.1

DecipherAg Mobile

  • Add/move site function

  • Current Location improved


  • Print screen map: overlapping labels improvements

  • Print screen switch between satellite and Map

August 20, 2021 – Web v5.16.0

DecipherAg Mobile

  • Edit PIF information in the App.

  • Improvements to multi-sites jobs

July 17,2021 – Web v5.14.0


  • Improved prescription files naming


  • Multisites jobs differentiated with a halo ring.

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