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Proton SoundSystem FAQ
Release Links by Proton
Long Versions for DJ Stores like Beatport, Short Versions for streaming.
Creating your 1st release in SoundSystem
Help! I made a mistake on my release.
Release Links: Where to find them!
A remix is not appearing on the remixer's artist profile on Spotify & Apple Music. How can I fix this problem?
Forget to add a track to your release?
How can I submit unsigned demos to Proton's labels?
Featured Artists on Tracks
How can I add a new artist profile to an existing user account?
Proton's DJ Mixes & Compilations
How can I get ISRCs for my tracks?
Artist Name Ordering on Tracks & Releases
Does Proton distribute to BandCamp?
How to choose the best digital distributor for your electronic music label: avoid these companies, or pay the price later.
Compound Artists & Collaborations
A streaming platform has flagged my music for fraudulent activity. What can I do?
Streaming Services: PR Fraud & Scams
Advanced Guide for Remix Fees
Spotify Popularity Scores for Music Labels
Streaming Singles - Overview & Full Guide
How can I block short versions of a track from shipping to DJ stores like Beatport?
How can I block long versions of a track from shipping to streaming platforms like Spotify & Apple Music?
Setting up new Artist Profiles on Proton
Proton Recommended PR & Promo Firms!
The Compilation Tool
How do I view my reports as an artist?
Proton Smart Contracts
When are statements and payments sent?
Proton pays when royalties reach $100. How does that work exactly?
Easy Expenses & Artist Advances
When I add a Track or Release expense, why doesn't the full amount appear as a deduction for artists?
3rd Party Licensing
Cover Songs