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Using My HRA Employee Member Portal
What is a quarterly compliance check, and what do I need to do to satisfy the requirement for my HRA?
Why Was My Medical Expense Declined?
How to Check Proof of Coverage Status
HRA Hub; Multifactor Authenticator Troubleshooting
How do I waive coverage through QSEHRA?
I already have a plan for this year. How do I get set up for QSEHRA reimbursement?
I want to stay on my health insurance plan in 2022. What do I do?
How do I get logged in to my Employee Member Portal for the first time?
How do I reset my password?
What is my unclaimed allowance?
How do I reset my password?
How do I submit a Medical Expense for Reimbursement?
How to Re-Upload Declined Proof of Coverage/ Medical Expenses.
If I'm on a Tricare plan, what do I upload for proof of coverage?
How do I upload an Updated Proof of Coverage?
How do I know if my insurance was approved as compliant?
What do I do if I cancel my health insurance?
Do I need to upload my proof of coverage each month?
Can I get reimbursed for medical expenses if I don't have health insurance?
How do I submit a medical expense for reimbursement?
Why was my claim only partially reimbursed?
What is the status of my reimbursement claim?
How do I set up my monthly premium as a recurring expense?
What qualifies as a recurring expense, and what documentation can I submit to get it set up?
Has my recurring claim been approved?
How do I update my recurring premium amount?