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Our Help Center is your most powerful tool for using CopeCart!
118 articles
User validation with CopeCart
KYC Account Verification CopeCart USA
CopeCart as a reseller
Your CopeCart account
Your dashboard at CopeCart
IPN documentations
Account types at CopeCart
KPI's of the mobile app dashboard
Download invoice/ Create CSV file
Upsell Button Templates
Right of withdrawal at CopeCart
Create upsell page
How do I create an account with CopeCart?
Order process/ Checkout options
Change your email address in your account: A step-by-step guide
Connection to Zapier
Connection to Slack via Zapier
Connection to ActiveCampaign via Zapier
Connection to Mailchimp via Zapier
Connection to Salesforce via Zapier
Connection to DigiMember
Connection with Google Sheets via Zapier
Connection to Trello via Zapier
Connection to HubSpot
Connection to KlickTipp via Zapier
Connection to Kajabi via your CopeCart account
Connection to Coachy via your CopeCart account
Connection to Memberspot via your CopeCart account
Connection to FunnelCockpit
Connection to 4Leads via your CopeCart account
Connection to Mentortools
Connection to Hyros
What does BETA mean?
How do I delete my account?
How do I find a failed payment?
How do I make a test order?
How do I get my partner seal?
How do I create an affiliate program for upsells?
How can I download my affiliate partnerships?
How do I pre-fill fields on the order form?
Transaction types and transaction status
Protect CopeCart account
Button templates
Sales Tracking
The Award from CopeCart
Logistician at CopeCart
Refund and chargeback at CopeCart
Team management at CopeCart - Efficient task distribution for an optimized vendor account
Phone Offer Feature at CopeCart - Selling made easy by phone
Link for your phone sale
Configure tracking key at CopeCart
sales partner at CopeCart
VIP Vendors at CopeCart
Shopping cart at CopeCart
Factoring at CopeCart
Payment process, taxation, transaction overviews and credits at CopeCart
CopeCart fee
Requirements for an Effective Dispute Resolution Process
The reverse-charge-procedure at CopeCart
The security deposit at Copecart
No payment received
Initiate refund
Second-level commission at CopeCart
Easy continuation of the installment payment with a new payment link
Payment method and returns
Payment plans at CopeCart
Fast Payout
Product types at CopeCart
Promo codes at CopeCart
AI at CopeCart
Addon products
Create bundle
Add thank you page
Data safe at CopeCart
E-book files at CopeCart
Provide evidence of service provision
Delete product
CopeCart Shop - create and edit
Special price at CopeCart
Enable tracking
How do I create my product options?
How do I create an upsell funnel?
Get affiliate link as an affiliate
Create affiliate link manually as a vendor/ Add affiliate to the product
How to get started as an affiliate
Affiliate Management - Approval of affiliate requests
Create affiliate registration link
Activate affiliate program
How do I get my affiliate link?
Why did I not receive an affiliate commission?