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Scheduling & Calendar
These FAQs walk you through booking, editing, and managing appointments on your Trova calendar. Learn how to utilize scheduling tools for a more organized practice and better client communication.
47 articles
How can I view the calendar on the platform?
How do I view a different day/week/month on the calendar?
What do the different colors on the calendar represent?
Can I change the color of my service?
What does gray mean on the calendar?
How can I use the Edit Availability feature to customize my working hours?
How can I access more details about an upcoming appointment on the calendar?
What actions can I take for a passed appointment from the dashboard?
Can I make changes to appointments directly from the calendar screen?
How do I schedule an appointment for a new client in the calendar section?
How do I schedule appointments for my existing clients on Trova ?
What client information is required when scheduling an appointment for a new client?
How do I select the service for the appointment?
How do I choose a date and time for the appointment?
What happens after I click Schedule appointment?
Will the client be notified once an appointment is booked?
Are there multiple locations on the platform where I can schedule an appointment?
How do I reschedule an appointment?
When I reschedule an appointment is the client notified?
How do I cancel an appointment?
How do I book appointments on my calendar?
Can I schedule appointments outside of my regular business hours on the calendar?
What time intervals can I book on my calendar?
What is a Meeting/Event on the Trova calendar?
What steps are involved in adding a meeting or event to the Trova calendar?
What are the required and optional fields when creating a Meeting/Event?
How can I edit or cancel a Meeting/Event?
How is a Meeting/Event displayed on the Trova calendar?
Can I schedule an appointment during a Meeting/Event?
How do I connect a Google Calendar to Trova?
How do I unlink my Google Calendar from Trova?
What does a Google Calendar event look like on Trova?
Can clients book appointments during Google Calendar events?
What happens to existing appointments when I add a Google Calendar event?
How do I handle scheduling conflicts with Google Calendar events?
Why are clients able to book an appointment during a Google Calendar event?
Does my Trova calendar sync with my Google Calendar?