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GorillaDesk Software Change Log and Updates
GorillaDesk Software Change Log and Updates
Catherine avatar
Written by Catherine
Updated this week

📌 LOGIC UPDATE: Invoice Frequency Action

All invoice actions will now start executing at 9 AM.

Previously, existing invoices had their actions executed at 9 AM, while system-generated invoices were created and actions executed at 12 MIDNIGHT.

We understand that you prefer not to charge and notify your customers at midnight. Therefore, we have adjusted all actions to start at 9 AM. The system will still generate the invoice for you at 12 AM to ensure it's ready early, but all actions such as charging, sending the bill, or emailing receipts will now begin at 9 AM.

IMPORTANT NOTE: All sending actions are placed in a queue, meaning they will start executing at 9 AM and should be completed before 11 AM. While invoices won't all send precisely at 9:00 AM, they are queued to send between 9 and 10 AM, and should not be later than 11 AM.

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July 1 , 2024

VoIP Pro: Call Transcription and Call Summary

  • You now have the ability to generate call transcriptions.

  • The transcription costs $0.15 per minute and will be deducted from your call credits.

  • Generating a transcription will also generate a call summary.

July 1 , 2024

Improved Estimate: Dynamic Estimate and Estimate Packages

GorillaDesk's improved estimate feature includes the ability to create dynamic and package-type estimates, giving customers the flexibility to select the specific services they want to purchase.

This feature is accessible on the V3 desktop and the mobile app. Available only to Growth Plan users.

You can enable this feature in the Addons > Dynamic Estimates > click the toggle for the Dynamic Estimate (Power Up) and Estimate Packages (Power Up).

July 1, 2024

Estimate Templates

You can now create estimate templates ahead of time, saving you time when preparing estimates for your customers.

The Basic Template is available for Basic, Pro, and Growth Users.

Dynamic and Estimate packages are available only for Growth Users.

  • Create your estimate template in Settings > Templates.

  • Create templates for each estimate types.

Note: This feature is only available when the Dynamic Estimates Addon is enabled.

June 28, 2024


Dynamic Estimate and Estimate Packages

You can now create dynamic estimates and estimate packages in the mobile app.

Estimate Templates

You can now access the estimate templates in the mobile app. Create estimates using these templates to save time.

+ Other Community Fixes

June 28, 2024

Report "New Job"

The "Report > New Job" is now available. This report pulls the list of customers that match the Dashboard's "Total New Jobs."

This report is based on the Job Created Date. It will help monitor your sales for new jobs posted.

*Jobs with a cancelled status are not counted towards the dashboard's "New Job" total. Filter out jobs with a cancelled status to match the amount.

June 26, 2024

Document Library: Upload your Own PDF Document

  • You now have the ability to upload your own PDF document in the document library.

  • Enable the PDF Library feature in the Documents Add-On to start uploading your PDF documents.

  • This feature is only accessible in V3 Desktop.

June 25, 2024

ACH Setup Invitation via SMS

The 'Send by SMS' and 'Send by Email and SMS' options are now available.

  • If the customer does not have an ACH, prompt them to set one up by sending an invitation vis SMS.

  • If the customer has an unverified ACH, send a verification reminder via SMS.

June 19, 2024

Custom Job Status Filter and Columns in Smart View

  • Custom job statuses are now included in the Jobs filter under Job Status.

  • Custom job status columns in Smart View show the number of jobs with a specific status in a customer account.

  • Custom job status columns and filter options will not be available when the Custom Job Status addon is turned off.

June 17, 2024

Global Override Dropdown in Customers Tab

The buttons for global override options in the customer tab have been merged into a single dropdown.

  • Messaging Preference - Ability to mass update messaging preferences for all selected customers in the Customers tab.

  • Hide invoice balance - Ability to hide invoice balances for all selected customers in the Customers tab.

  • Show invoice balance - Ability to show invoice balances for all selected customers in the Customers tab.

June 14, 2024

Location On-Click Options: Open Map Coordinate VS Google Map

The location on-click option allows users to choose between opening map coordinates directly or launching Google Maps for navigation.

June 14, 2024

Estimate Reminder

You now have the option to set up to 6 estimate reminders to remind customers with pending estimates.

June 11, 2024

Job Frequency Column in Service Lookup

A new column has been added to Reports > Service Lookup to display the frequency of jobs.

June 10, 2024

NEW: In App Referral Program

  • When you refer a new customer, you'll receive a bonus based on the GorillaDesk plan your referral chooses. The customer you refer will also receive a free month of GorillaDesk.

  • Share your unique referral link with others, and every successful sign-up using your link will automatically be added to your referral tracker.

  • Bonuses are capped at $299 per referral and are applied after the successful payment of the second month.

    Note: You can currently get your referral link via the desktop version V3. The mobile app version is in development and will be available soon.

June 6, 2024

Color Coded Labeling of Company Phone Numbers

  • Easily identify which company number the SMS was sent to or a call was received on, whether it is your company's SMS phone number, the company's VoIP group number, or your personal number.

  • Each company number is assigned a color.

  • See these labels when you open the SMS communicator and in the INBOX Calls and SMS tabs.

June 5, 2024

Smart View Column: Customer Tag and Location Tag

Additional columns in smart view to display the customer tags and location tag.

June 4, 2024

Global Override: Hide Invoice Balance

Ability to hide invoice balances for all selected customers in the Customers tab.

Global Override: Messaging Preferences

Ability to mass update messaging preferences for all selected customers in the Customers tab.

June 2, 2024

New GROWTH Feature: Custom Job Status

Begin establishing precise job status categories that align with your organization's workflow with GorillaDesk's new growth feature Custom Job Status.

Note: This feature is only accessible on the V3 desktop and is available to Growth Plan users. This feature is supported in the Mobile App.
This feature is NOT supported in Classic

Enable this feature under Add Ons > Custom Job Status.

Add a sub-status to your existing job statuses while retaining the benefits of status automation and triggers.

Create entirely new job statuses, enabling you to assign specific colors, status names, and sub-status labels.

Note: This custom job status will not execute any automation or triggers.

May 31, 2024


Custom Job Status

Custom job statuses are now available to use when updating a job status using the mobile app.

Branch Toggle

You can now access other branches that you are assigned to from the mobile app.

The branch toggle can be found in the sidebar menu at the bottom.

+ other community fixes

May 23, 2024

Sub Locations in Customers Tab

The sub locations toggle was added to the Customers tab, when enabled, will show the customer's additional service address.

The sub locations toggle is available in both the customer list view and map view.

May 21, 2024

LOGIC UPDATE: Surcharge in ACH

The surcharge in ACH is now in a separate toggle in Stripe settings.

ACH surcharge is located below the ACH power-up. Turn on the toggle to add a surcharge to all invoices paid through ACH.

LOGIC: Payment in ACH

When using the ACH payment method, only one invoice can be paid at a time. This policy helps prevent accounting mismatches for QuickBooks users and avoids discrepancies between Surcharges and Stripe fees.

For those who prefer making larger payments via ACH, we recommend the following options:

  1. Add the payment directly to the customer's account to create a credit balance, which can then be applied to the invoices.

  2. Combine all unpaid invoices into a single invoice, and either void the smaller invoices or write them off.

May 15, 2024

Custom Fields filter and Custom Fields columns in Smart View

  • Custom fields filter option has been added to the Customers filter

  • The custom fields filter options are base on the custom fields that you have created

  • Additional columns are available to display custom fields

  • These columns correspond to the custom fields that you have created

May 14, 2024

UPDATE: Add Time in Time Clocking Reports

  • Users with the "Edit Time" permission in the time clocking feature and have access to Reports can manually add time logs in the Time Clocking reports.

  • This is a V3 desktop feature only.

In the Add time modal, manually log time entry by specifying the date, start and end times, or duration time

May 13, 2024


SMS Templates

  • SMS Templates are now available on mobile.

  • Manage and save new SMS templates within the mobile app.

  • Save time writing SMS messages in the field!

Add New Estimate Option in Calendar

Add a New Estimate now accessible right from the calendar.

Sky Condition and Humidity in Weather Card

Sky Conditions and Humidity are now included on the weather card.

Location Notes in Agenda View Calendar

The Agenda View now displays the Location Note. The location note will be displayed after the service address.

60% Reduction in Overall Battery Usage

50% Improved Calendar & Job Load Times

+ many more community fixes

May 6, 2024

LOGIC UPDATE: Invoice Frequency Action

All invoice actions will now start executing at 9 AM.

Previously, existing invoices had their actions executed at 9 AM, while system-generated invoices were created and actions executed at 12 MIDNIGHT.

We understand that you prefer not to charge and notify your customers at midnight. Therefore, we have adjusted all actions to start at 9 AM. The system will still generate the invoice for you at 12 AM to ensure it's ready early, but all actions such as charging, sending the bill, or emailing receipts will now begin at 9 AM.

IMPORTANT NOTE: All sending actions are placed in a queue, meaning they will start executing at 9 AM and should be completed before 11 AM. While invoices won't all send precisely at 9:00 AM, they are queued to send between 9 and 10 AM, and should not be later than 11 AM.

April 26, 2024

Line Item Global Override

This feature is available in V3 in Pro Plan.

This feature allows you to easily adjust line item rates by specifying either a percentage increase or a fixed amount increase.

  • This action will affect the line item price in Settings > Line Items

  • This action will override line item value on all invoices with DRAFT status.

  • This action is irreversible

Tax Global Override

This feature lets you easily adjust tax rates by specifying a percentage increase/decrease.

  • This action will replace the tax rate in Settings > Line Items

  • This action will override tax value on all invoices with DRAFT status.

  • This action is irreversible.

April 10, 2024

Additional Job Tile Fields

You can now include the Work Order number and Account Number fields on your job tile.

March 29, 2024

Work Order in Customer Portal

  • Work order is now available to view in the customer portal.

  • Go to Addon > Customer Portal > Settings > check the Work Order checkbox

  • Only the completed job's work order will be displayed in the customer portal.

March 28, 2024

Add Attachment in Email Inbox Template

You can now add attachments when creating a new template or editing an existing one.

  • Supported file types for upload include PDF, PNG, JPG, JPEG, and TXT

  • Only two files can be uploaded, with a total allowable file size of up to 15 MB

March 27, 2024

Online Booking: Card Saving Options

When a customer books a service online, they now have the option to choose how they want their cards to be saved:

  • Save this card on file and permit the company to charge it for any future billing

  • Save this card to my portal for personal use only

  • Pay this invoice only. Do not save this card

March 22, 2024

Upgrade: SMS Template

  • We've integrated SMS templates into our templates feature. This allows you and your technicians to save common SMS content for easier messaging.

  • Create your SMS templates in Settings > Templates tab > SMS Templates

  • The SMS template icon will be available upon opening the SMS communicator

March 19, 2024

New Feature: Custom Fields

This feature enables you to create personalized data fields to capture and organize the information you need.

Activate this feature in Addons > Custom Fields

  • Custom Fields - create and manage your custom fields in here

  • Permissions - manage user who you grant permission to add and edit entries from the custom field master list

Note: This feature is only accessible on the V3 desktop and is available to Growth Plan users.

March 17, 2024

VoIP Update: Call Inbox Mark Done For All Option

The mark 'Done' button now has two options:

  • Selected Items - selected items will be marked as DONE

  • For All Users - selected items will be marked as DONE for all users

March 14, 2024

NY PRL in Material Usage Reports

We have added the 'NY PRL' option to the material usage reports. This will display columns as required by the state and show the county in county code format.

March 12, 2024

Mobile App Updates 3.1.4 v9

Labeling Contacts

  • Assign a label to your contacts within the GorillaDesk mobile app

  • Insert a label in the title field when adding a new customer, modifying customer details, or including additional contacts in your customer account.

Input your Signature by Typing

  • The option to type in your signature is now available in the GorillaDesk mobile app.

Transfer Call Indicator Icon

  • The transfer call icon is already visible in the GorillaDesk mobile app.

  • When another user transfers a call to your phone number, you will see a transfer icon next to the customer's name, along with the name of the user who initiated the transfer.

Clickable Links in Location Notes

  • The links in the location notes are now clickable, allowing users to easily navigate to external websites.

Respond to Reschedule Request

  • Now you can send an email or SMS reply to your customer's rescheduled request.

  • The reschedule request note is only available within the job details.

March 11, 2024

Clickable Links in Location Notes

  • The links in the location notes are now clickable, allowing users to easily navigate to external websites.

  • It is clickable in all areas where location notes are visible, such as in the job details and the Notes column in the customer profile's Locations tab.

Respond to Reschedule Request

  • Now you can respond directly to your customer's reschedule request via email or SMS.

  • The reschedule request note can only be seen within the job details.

March 5, 2024

Triggers: Auto Apply Credit

  • When a job is completed or an invoice is marked as sent, the available credit on the customer's account will be automatically applied to the invoice.

  • Activate this trigger in the Addons > Triggers > Completionist (Power Up) panel.

February 29, 2024

Labeling Contacts

  • Assign a label to your customer contact.

  • Insert a label in the title field when adding a new customer, modifying customer details, or including additional contacts in your customer account.

February 27, 2024

VoIP Auto Attendant: Assign Multiple Users to a Single Extension

Now, with the updated VoIP auto attendant feature, you can now assign multiple users to a single extension.

February 22, 2024

Paperwork: Customer Company Name

The ability to show the customer's company name in PDFs is now available within the paperwork template settings.

February 21, 2024

Permission: 'Addons' and 'Settings' Permission

The permissions for the 'Settings' tab and 'Addons' tab are now separate.

February 21, 2024

Input your Signature by Typing

The option to input your signature by typing is now accessible on GorillaDesk desktop V3.

February 20, 2024

Transfer Call Indicator Icon

  • When a call is transferred to another user, a transfer icon will appear after the customer's name, accompanied by the name of the user who initiated the transfer.

February 19, 2024

Job Status Filter In Print Schedule Calendar Option

  • We have added the option to select multiple job statuses when printing schedules in the calendar.

January 30, 2024

Mobile App Updates 3.1.4 v8

Record the check value

  • Ability to record the actual check value when adding payment

  • This is for recording Check $ value memo only, with no logic or computation

  • The check value is displayed beside the check number

New Payment Method: ACH

  • Make invoice payments using ACH as the payment method in the mobile app.

  • View ACH bank account list in customer detail.

Time Clocking in Mobile

  • Clock in and clock out from work in your GorillaDesk mobile app.

  • Access the user's time tracking history on the Time Clocking page. The displayed time history is limited to the current week and the past week only.

  • A user with the 'Edit time' permission enabled can edit or delete their time log using the mobile app.

Support Clock In and Clock Out in Offline Mode

  • Users can still clock in and clock out even in offline mode.

  • The tracked time during offline mode will be automatically saved when the device is back online.

Confirmation modal when changing the service type

  • A confirmation modal will appear when you attempt to change your job's service setting to prevent unintentional changes in the assigned service type for the job.

January 30, 2024

Color Coding for Multibranch

  • Color code your branch banner and assign a color to each branch.

  • You can only select from the default color selection on the Branch Manager > Manage area in Addons

January 24, 2024

New Feature: Time Clocking

Efficiently track attendance, work hours, and calculate wages with Gorilladesk's Time Clocking feature.

This feature is available to users with the Pro Plan on GorillaDesk V3 desktop.

Activate this feature in the Addons > Time Clocking

Generate time entry in two ways:

  • Timer mode - initiate the timer by clicking the Clock In button, or the Start button on the Time Tracking page

  • Manual mode - manually log time entry by specifying the date, start and end times, or duration time

The time-tracked history is presented with the overall time duration and the corresponding total amount.

Time Tracking in Reports

Time logs for all users are documented in the Reports > Time Clocking.

January 23, 2024

New in Addons Stripe: ACH

GorillaDesk now supports ACH bank account as payment method under stripe.

ACH offers a smaller processing fee, with only 1.8% capped at $15.

This feature is available in Classic, V3, and Mobile with the Pro plan as a Stripe power-up.

  • Send Email ACH invitation to customer to personally add their bank account

  • Add bank account directly in the customer profile

  • Set verified ACH bank account as default when using Bank Account ACH as payment method

January 19, 2024

New in Addons Opportunity Pipeline: Pipeline Permissions

You can now control access to the inbox opportunity pipeline for specific users. Grant permissions to:

  • Add, edit, or delete opportunities

  • Access to Opportunity Pipeline Report

  • Access to Sales Funnel Report

  • Access to Status Change Report

December 29, 2023

Outgoing Calls in Inbox

We brought back the outgoing call logs directly into your Inbox. Easily find them within the 'Done' section of your Inbox.

December 29, 2023

Update: Blocking a Number

This feature allows you to block unknown callers and spam texters.

To block a number, go to inbox > Calls or SMS > the 'block' button will show up if the communication is coming from an unknown number.

Review and manage your blocked numbers under:

  • Addons > VoIP


  • Addons > SMS Text messaging

Dec. 26, 2023

Additional Reports For Opportunity Pipeline

Sales Funnel

Status Changes

{Article in progress}

Dec. 24, 2023

Record the Check Value

Ability to Record the actual Check value when adding payment.

  • This is for recording Check $ value memo only, with no logic or computation

  • The check value is displayed beside the check number

  • This feature is available on V3 Desktop

  • This feature is not supported in Classic

  • This feature is coming soon in the Mobile App

Dec. 19, 2023

New in VoIP: On Hold Music

Provide the customer with pleasant music to listen to while the call is on hold.

  • When On Hold Music is disabled, default music will play to ensure that customers have a background audio experience while waiting on hold.

  • Enable On Hold Music so you can either choose from the available music options, or you can record or upload your preferred tracks.

Dec 17, 2023

Enhanced Invoice Batch Action

  • Mark draft invoices as sent in batches.

  • Mark sent invoices as drafts in batches.

Dec 13, 2023

Dashboard Improvement

  • Display the actual count over the total

  • Enhancements made for job, invoice, estimate, and invoice aging dashboards

VoIP Setting Update: Type in your Voicemail Greeting

Enter your personalized voicemail message in the personal number settings, group number settings, auto attendant settings, and after-hours settings.

Dec. 12, 2023

Additional Filter for Customers in Smartview

We added a customer tags filter in the customer section to help in narrowing down customers based on their tags.

Email Inbox: Search Email Template

Search the email template you need when composing an email within the customer profile.

Dec. 8, 2023

New GROWTH Feature: Branch Manager

The Branch Manager feature enables you to effortlessly and efficiently manage your business branches.

  • You can access multiple branches simultaneously using a single browser.

  • Assigning a user from your primary branch to another branch allows for a single login to access multiple branches.

  • Duplicate the data template from your primary branch to your new branch to reduce time spent in duplicating templates.

Note: This feature is exclusively available for V3 desktop, accessible only for the SuperAdmin in the Primary branch. The Growth Plan is required for the primary branch, while sub-branches can opt for Basic and Pro plans.

Dec. 6, 2023

New Addons Feature: Opportunity Pipeline

The Opportunity Pipelines and Statuses setting is now located in Opportunity Pipeline in the Addons tab.

Enable the Opportunity Generator to automatically convert each pending estimate into an opportunity.

Dec. 4, 2023

New in VoIP: Barge in, Whisper or Listen in on Ongoing Calls

When engaged in a call with a customer, you now have the ability to invite a team member to either:


Invite a team member to listen to the ongoing call and participate in the conversation.


Invite a team member to listen to and participate in the conversation with you, but the customer will not be able to hear them.


Invite a team member to exclusively listen to your conversation with the customer.

Dec. 1, 2023

New Calendar View: Agenda View

  • The "Agenda" view is a recently introduced display mode in the GorillaDesk calendar.

  • This feature enables you to observe your schedule in a list format, enhancing your ability to view and organize your job schedule.

  • It offers more detailed information about the jobs listed in your calendar.

  • You also have the option to choose and deselect columns that you wish to display in your calendar.

  • The available list view options are:

    • Agenda

    • Agenda Week

    • Agenda Month

Nov. 26, 2023

Additional Filter for Jobs in Smart View

We have introduced an additional filter to jobs, allowing you to narrow down the results based on the last technician who serviced an account.

  • Last serviced by

Nov. 23, 2023:

Update: Opportunity Pipeline Report

The Opportunity Pipeline reports provide a comprehensive overview of your complete sales pipeline, enabling you to monitor opportunities at every stage.

  • Analyze conversion rates

  • Identify bottlenecks

  • Providing real-time updates

Note: This feature is only available for V3 desktop, accessible only for Superadmin with Growth Plan.

Nov. 23, 2023:

Additional Invoice Frequency Action Option

We have introduced two additional options in your invoice frequency action settings.

Now you have the option to send your invoices via SMS, or you can choose to send them through both Email and SMS.

Nov. 22, 2023:

New in Smart View

Smart View Permission

You now have the option to keep your Smart View private, share it with specific users, or make it accessible to everyone in your company.

Smart View permissions are accessible every time you:

  • Create a new Smart View

  • Edit an existing Smart View

  • Save a copy of your existing Smart View.

Nov. 20, 2023

Paperwork Settings: Hide Estimate Cost

Hide the cost column on all of your estimates.

Nov. 16, 2023:

Mobile App Update 3.1.4 v6

In addition to the existing System Settings, we have incorporated additional system settings into your mobile app.

Company Settings

Update or make changes to your company information conveniently on your mobile phone.

Paperwork Settings

You now have the ability to modify your paperwork using your mobile phone. Edit details ranging from your company address and paperwork template to customizing the information you wish to display on your documents. Additionally, preview the PDF version of your paperwork.

Sources Settings

You now have the ability to manage sources by adding, editing, or removing existing sources from your current list.

Note: These System Settings are only accessible by the SuperAdmin or user with permission to SETTINGS.

Nov. 13, 2023:

New in Smart View

Additional Filters and Columns for Calls in Smart View

We added additional columns to show more relevant details about calls.

  • # Outgoing Calls

  • # Incoming Calls

Additional filter options have been incorporated to streamline the process of refining data associated with calls, facilitating easier data narrowing and focused attention on specific information:

  • Date created

  • Direction

  • Duration

  • Status

Nov. 6, 2023:

Introducing the New GorillaDesk Growth Plan

Boost up your sales pipeline, foster customer relationships and optimize your overall sales and business processes.

Features available under our new growth plan include:

  • Smart Views

  • Opportunity Creation

  • Custom Opportunity Pipelines

  • Sales Pipeline Reporting

Nov. 1, 2023:

Portal Update: New Payment Option in Customer Portal

  • We have introduced a new option whenever you add a new card, edit an existing card, or pay invoices using a newly added card.

  • You can now ask permission to save the card and authorize the company to use it for future billing or transactions under your account

Oct. 24, 2023:

VoIP Update: After Hours Call Forwarding

When outside office hours, you can now forward all incoming calls to another phone number, instead of directing them to voicemail.

It is useful if you wish to receive calls outside office hours or if you have a receptionist after office hours.

Oct. 19, 2023:

New VoIP Features

Click the Number Options

When you click on a number, you can now choose to:

  • Call the number

  • Send an SMS

  • Copy the number into your clipboard

You can click on phone numbers found in various areas such as job details, the customer profile sidebar, or in reports that include a phone number column, etc.

Improved: End call and Call Back button

  • After a call ends, there will be a 5-second buffer before the call-back button appears.

  • Improvement was made to prevent the user from unintentionally initiating a call.

Oct. 10, 2023:

Mobile App New Permission

We've added additional technician permission for mobile. You now have the ability to:

  • Hide customer contact information from your technician including the email address and customer phone number.

  • Hide the work order from your technician when accessing job details. This prevents them from viewing the work order details.

  • Hide Documents in job details and on the customer page.

Mobile App Updates 3.1.4 v6

We have implemented system settings in the mobile app. Within the Settings, you can now manage the following system settings:

Line Item Settings

  • We have included Line Items in the mobile app settings.

  • You now have the ability to add, edit and remove line item templates in your mobile app.

Tax Settings

  • We have included the Tax in the mobile app settings

  • You can now add, edit or remove tax templates in your mobile app.

Note: Only SuperAdmin and users with Settings permission can access this company setting.

Oct. 9, 2023

New in Smart Views

Additional Filters and Columns in Smart Views for Opportunities

We have incorporated additional columns to display more pertinent details regarding opportunities.

Opportunity filters have been integrated into Smart View, simplifying the process of refining data related to opportunities. This enhancement makes it easier to narrow down information and concentrate on specific details regarding opportunities.

Oct. 2, 2023:

VoIP Growth Feature: Smart Views

  • This feature is part of our new VoIP Growth plan.

  • It allows you to create personalized and filtered views of your customer data.

  • It helps you to quickly find and focus on the specific information that you need.

  • You have the option to call all the customers on your Smart View consecutively and send bulk emails, saving your time and increasing communication volume.

Sept. 29, 2023:

New Feature: Dashboard

Introducing Dashboard in GorillaDesk desktop.

Sept. 27, 2023

VoIP Growth Feature: Opportunities

Introducing opportunity creation in Gorilladesk V3 desktop.

  • This feature is part of our VoIP Growth Plan

  • Create and manage your opportunity statuses and pipeline, and use them to categorize your opportunity during the creation process.

  • Create new opportunities within your customer's profile.

  • Edit or delete your opportunity.

  • You have the option to send an email, send an SMS, or call the customer through VoIP.

Sept. 15, 2023

What's new in VoIP

  • You can now use VoIP to send and receive text messages

  • Handle incoming text messages within your SMS and Inbox within the SMS tab.

Sept. 11, 2023

VoIP Update: Adjust the Number of Rings

Configure the ring duration for your personal or group numbers for incoming calls before they are directed to voicemail or forwarded to another phone number.

Aug. 22, 2023

Mobile App Updates: 3.1.4 v2

Service Template Settings

Admin can now add, edit, or remove service templates within the app.

Line Item Settings

Admin can add, edit, or remove line item templates

Improved SMS

Display incoming text from an unknown number (Note: The ability to add the phone number as a lead or assign it to a lead will depend on the user's permission to add a customer).

Other community issues have been fixed.

Aug. 18, 2023

VOIP After Hours

You now have the ability to set up an after-hours voicemail to greet incoming calls outside regular operating hours, notifying callers that your business or office is presently closed.

Set up a time frame when you want your after-hour voicemail to activate.

Update: SMS in V3

  • We've added a new feature for your SMS

  • For incoming text messages from a phone number not registered to any of your customers, you now have the option to create a new lead or assign it to an existing lead.

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