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Website Menus

This article describes the menu structure and a description of each page.

Dane Sorenson avatar
Written by Dane Sorenson
Updated over a week ago

The collapsible sections represent the dropdown menus or webpages on the admin dashboard. Each bolded section below that is a separate page available from that submenu. A description follows on what is available on each of those separate page.

Help Center

Clicking 'Help Center' will open a new page to our Help Center, where you are now.


Settings - Update different tournament information, enable or disable payment methods among many other options. Click here for more information!

Payment Setup - On this page you can click 'Setup Stripe' or 'Setup PayPal' to link one of those accounts to your tournament to handle transactions.

Event Location - Add or remove the golf club associated with your tournament. Click here for more information!

Event Contacts - The contact information entered on this page is shown on your tournament website under 'Tournament Contact'. This contact information is also used to auto-fill email helpers.

Administrators - Add or edit administrators who will also have access to manage your tournament settings from this dashboard. You can update your login information such password, email or the name of an administrator. Administrators also gain access to the Event Caddy app as an Organizer.

Player Manager

All Players - View all of your registered players. You can also edit their details by clicking 'Edit' in the action menu to the far right. You can also select 'Export to CSV' or 'Download as PDF' from the top right of the page to export a spreadsheet of all your players and their details, along with the answers to the any Custom Questions.

Registration Options - This is where you can add registration packages for players to register with. You can create singles, twosomes, foursomes or any number of players you'd like to include within each package. Click here for more information!

Custom Questions - This is where you can add Custom Questions to registration packages that will be asked of all players. Click here for more information!

Registration Email Template - This allows you to set up a Player Registration Email Template that is sent to all players as soon as they have been registered, a great way to welcome them to the tournament. Click here for more information!

Online Store (Available with Event Caddy Pro & Elite)

Manage Products - This is where you can add items such as sponsorships, mulligans, raffle tickets and other items you'd like to sell to players and sponsors. Click here for more information!

Product Categories - This is where you can set up Product Categories that Products will be assigned to. Click here for more information!

Product Email Templates - This will let you set up email templates that can then be assigned to online store products. This email would be sent to the purchaser immediately after a transaction. Click here for more information!

Donation Email Templates - This will let you set up a custom Donation Email Template that will be sent to anybody who makes a donation through your tournament website. Click here for more information!


Clicking 'Marketplace' will bring you directly to our marketplace page with options to purchase signage from us at Event Caddy Signs, we also offer Hole in One insurance, or branded apparel with our affiliates. Click here for more information on the Marketplace!


Event Finances - Get an overview of your tournament finances including revenue and expenses.

Payment Transactions - View a list of all transactions. You can also Void transactions here as well as, resend invoices and use the 'Download as CSV' option to download a transactions report spreadsheet.

Online Auction (Available with Event Caddy Pro & Elite)

Auction Settings - This is where you'll enable and manage general auction settings.

Manage Items - This is where different auction items will be added.

Manage Categories - Set up different categories to assign auction items to.

Winners - This page will display a list of the winner information as auction items come to their end date.

Schedule Tools

Start List & Pairings - Set up the golf teams and assign their starting holes. You can also print a copy by selecting 'Download as CSV' or 'Download as PDF' from the top right corner of the page. Click here for more information!

Event Schedule - Tournament Day Schedule allows you to create an easy to read list of the activities and events during the day of your tournament. This list will automatically update and be visible on your tournaments website. Add things such as tee-off, registration time, fun events, lunch or dinner time and more! Click here for more information!

Report Start List & Pairings - This allows you to export a report of your start list & pairings. You can select "Print Start List" from the top of the page or select "Bag Drop" to go to the 'Report - Bag Drop' page.

Report - Bag Drop - The Bag Drop report is a report you can give the golf course and their bag drop staff. This is an alphabetical list of your players, stating their starting hole or tee time. This way, the staff at the golf course knows which cart to take their bag too, and your volunteers can easily check golfers in. Click 'Print List' from the top right to download a copy.

Cart Signs - This will provide a PDF that can be printed so signs can be placed on golf carts to allow players to easily see which cart is theirs on game day.

Live Score Setting - Available with Event Caddy Pro & Elite. This is where you can enable Live Scoring and choose the correct tees. Click here for more information!


Manage Sponsors - This is where you add individual sponsors for your tournament, they will be added to the 'Our Sponsors' homepage and added to a scrollbar on the tournament homepage if it's enabled and logos are added. Click here for more information!

Sponsorship Types - This is where you set up your sponsorship categories such as 'Title Sponsor' or 'Hole Sponsor'.

Marketing Tools

Text Messaging - Available with Event Caddy Pro & Elite. This will let you send out SMS/text messages to players, sponsors and other contacts. You can also purchase more SMS credits by choosing 'Send Text Message' then selecting 'Buy More Credits' from the top right. Click here for more information!

Website Editor

Logo, Banner & Social Media - This is where you can upload a logo, banner or create a custom banner from our different options. You can also enable Facebook, X (Twitter) and LinkedIn links on your tournament website. Click here for more information!

Domain Name - Available with Event Caddy Pro & Elite. This will let you set up a custom domain name (such as to be used for your tournament website. Click here for more information!

Home Page Editor - This is where you can re-arrange, hide/show or edit different aspects of your tournament homepage. 'Main Content' and 'Second Content Box' can be edited to add custom content to the homepage. You can click 'Move Section' to drag and drop different sections to different areas. You can move the 'Photo Gallery', 'Second Content Box' and the 'Goal Bar' around the different sections.

Photo Gallery - Allows you to upload photos to your website. Click here for more information!

Downloadable Files - This is where you can upload any additional files such as PDF's that you want to make available for download on your website, or send through emails. Click here for more information!

Additional Pages - Allows you to set up Additional Pages in case your content doesn't fit elsewhere. Click here for more information!

Custom Names - This allows you to change some of the text of different buttons across your website. Click here for more information!

View Website - This will open your custom tournament website in a new window.

There is also a link to "My Tournaments" at the top right of every webpage on your admin dashboard. Select that to choose/access a different tournament, clone existing tournaments or export past tournament contacts.

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