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Apploi's Applicant Tracking System Training Video and Guide
Apploi's Applicant Tracking System Training Video and Guide

A full training on Apploi's ATS

Sabrina Hill avatar
Written by Sabrina Hill
Updated over a year ago

Apploi's Applicant Tracking System Training Video

Apploi's Applicant Tracking System Training Guide


The first time that you get access to the system, you’ll receive an invitation email and from there you can click a link to set up your password and get logged in. Once you login, you’ll automatically be taken to the “Jobs” page.

Job Posting Best Practices

High-quality job titles & descriptions that meet the guidelines of Apploi's job board partners can help increase the visibility of your positions and lead to higher traffic of candidates. We have worked with our numerous job board partners to provide you with the ideal job description format.

Here is more information on job posting best practices:

Jobs Page

Publishing and Unpublishing Jobs

In the Jobs section, this is where you’ll see a list of your jobs and where you will be able to create any new jobs.

The first thing to take note of is the difference between unpublished and published positions. Unpublished positions are grayed out and marked as unpublished, so that means that the jobs have been saved in the system, but they aren’t live or collecting any applications yet. So once you’re ready to publish a job and make it go live, you’ll hover over the actions column and click on the eye icon and click yes. You will now see that the job is highlighted and you'll see the date that it was published. Once a job is published, it will automatically distribute to the job boards that Apploi partners with, and it typically takes a few hours for the job board to refresh and display the job. Once the job is live and a candidate applies to one of your jobs, they’ll become applicants that you can manage directly in our system.

Here is more information on how to publishing and unpublishing your jobs:

Before publishing your jobs, you’ll want to make sure that you take down the jobs that you’ve posted on Indeed or any of our other job board partners, and moving forward you’ll only want to post jobs on Apploi.

If you no longer need a job to be live and want it to be removed from the job board, or if you’ve collected enough applications or have filled the role, you can unpublish it by hovering over the actions column and clicking the same eye icon. You’ll also have the option to delete a job, but this will erase all of the job’s data, including all applicants that have applied, so we recommend just sticking to unpublishing instead.

Here is more information on unpublishing vs deleting:

You are also able to publish and unpublish jobs in bulk. For example, when you first get in the system and want to get all of your jobs live and published, rather than going through each job individually, you’re able to publish them all at once by clicking the check box next to the job title and selecting the same eye icon that appears up top.

Here is more information on our bulk options on the jobs page:


This column will show you the number of applicants you have received for each job. It will display the total number of applicants or unviewed/new applicants.

Here is more information on viewing applicants:

Previewing a Position

If you'd like to see how your jobs appear to applicants or share a direct link to apply to a job, you can preview any published positions in Apploi. To preview a position, hover over the Actions section on the Jobs page and click on the preview icon. A new tab will open with the job posting. Here you'll see the job description, location, the ability to apply, as well as basic company information, which can be edited in your Company Profile.

Here is more information on your Company Profile:

It's important to note that candidates who apply to your jobs through job boards like Indeed and ZipRecruiter won't see this job description page. They'll provide their application information directly on the job board itself, and their information will be sent to Apploi as an applicant. The Apploi job description will only appear in the above layout if candidates apply on your company website using the Apploi Website Snippets enabled, through a job on your Company Profile, or if you've sent the candidate a link to apply to the job directly.

Here is more information on previewing a position:

Email Notifications

Next to the job titles, you will see an envelope icon. This indicates that you have email notifications turned on so that whenever somebody applies to one of your jobs, you’ll get an email letting you know that a candidate has applied and it will also include a link for you to view the application. If you want to turn off notifications, you’ll hover back over actions, click on that same envelope icon and once you click yes, you’ll see that the icon has disappeared for that particular job. Now when someone applies, you won’t receive a notification, but you’ll see the number of applicants for that position right here in the applicants column. You can also manage email notifications in bulk, so if you wanted to turn all of them off at once, you could click on the checkbox next to the job title and click the same envelope icon.

Here is more information on email notifications:

Adding a Candidate

You also have the ability to add a candidate manually. If for some reason you have a referral or have a candidate walk in to apply and you want to add them in the system, you’ll just hover over actions and click on the “add candidates” icon. From here, you’ll add in the candidates basic information and resume, and once you click to upload, that candidate will be added as an applicant in Apploi.

If you’d like to add multiple candidates at once, you can do that under the bulk upload resumes tab, so once the resumes are uploaded, our system will parse or scan each resume and automatically add the candidates information to Apploi.

Here is more information on manually adding candidates:


You do have the ability to choose from paid sponsorship options on either Indeed or ZipRecruiter or free social media promotion. You would do this by clicking on the promote icon.

Here is more information on sponsoring on Indeed:

Editing a Job

If you’d like to make any edits to an existing job, you can just click on the job title and that will take you directly to the listing and the information that’s already been added in for you. The first section here is any basic information about the position, so job title, address, and job description.

Scrolling down to the second section here, you’ll be able to see who has access to the job and you’re also able to add or remove anyone’s access, so for example if you wanted to remove NAME, you could click on this trash can icon and you’ll see they’ve been taken out of that list. If you change your mind, you can always click on the drop down up here, select NAME and click add, you’ll see their name is back on the list of users who have access to this role.

If there’s somebody else that you’d like to have access to this job, but their name isn't on this dropdown list, rather than going back up to the users and access section, you can click on “invite or add user”. From here, a window will pop up to add a new user, and after you add in their information, they’ll automatically be assigned to this job. This is also another place where you can manage email notifications, and you can turn them on or off by switching the toggle.

The next section is screening questions and this is how we’re having candidates apply to your positions. This is a two step process. With the Quick Apply process - if they were to apply through the Apploi link, they would only need their name and email address but if a candidate were to apply to this job on Indeed, they’d add basic information such as their name, phone number, email, and resume. Once a candidate submits their application, that completes the Quick Apply stage and they'll automatically be added as an applicant in Apploi.

If you wanted to add a second stage where applicants would be asked to complete screening questions, the candidate will automatically receive an email after two hours with a link to complete the screening application, which is the second section.

Here is more information on screening questions:

The last section here is the Interview Guide, where you can create a template that has all the questions that you’re asking candidates during an interview. The candidates won’t be seeing these questions as it’s internal so you can make them appear however you’re most comfortable with.

Here is more information on Interview Guides:

You’ll also see at the bottom here that you have the option to either save or save and publish, so if the job hasn’t gone live yet and you want to make it active, you can click save and publish, or if you’re not ready, you can just click save to update the information.

Creating a New Job

Once you’re ready to create a new job, you can click on the “New Job” button, and from here, you will be taken to the same form as above. You can fill in the title, address, and for the job description you can either choose one that’s been previously saved on the dropdown list, or you can add a new one and save it.

Once you reach the users section, please note that only a super admin will be assigned to a job by default, but other users who need access will need to be added manually either from this dropdown list, or you can invite a new user. Email notifications are also turned on by default when a user is added, so if you know that a user doesn’t want or need to receive them, you can disable email notifications for them by switching off this toggle.

Here is more information on adding users to a job:

For the screening questions, you can add them as noted above.

Here is more information on how to create an Interview Guide:

Here is more information on creating a new job:


There are two different ways to view applicants. If you select applicants at the top left hand corner, you’ll see a full list of applications for all of the jobs that you have access to.

If you’d prefer to look at one set of applications for a specific job, you can click back to the jobs section and click the total number of applicants under the applicants column, and this will bring you to the list of applicants for this particular job. Here, you’ll see some basic information about the applicants.

Here is more information about viewing applicants:

Applicant Profile

To review an application, you can click on the name of the applicant, and be taken to this screen where you can see all of the candidate’s basic contact information, work experience, and education. Just to note, all of this information comes directly from the candidates resume, so if you’d prefer to view it from there, you can click on the Full Resume link which will open up the applicant’s resume in PDF format where you’ll have the option to download or print by clicking on the icons.

Here is more information about viewing an applicant’s profile:


In the top section is the star rating which is helpful to flag either qualified or unqualified candidates. If you’ve rated a candidate, you can sort by highest to lowest or lowest to highest back on the applicants page.

Here is more information on rating applicants:


The last part of this section is the status field, and if you click on this dropdown, you’ll see a list of statuses that we’ve provided to help you to stay organized and see where the candidates are at in the interview process.

Some of the statuses automatically update based on the actions that you or the applicant take. For example when you open a candidate’s application it automatically changes the status from new to viewed, but you can also manually change a status. For example, if you were to leave a voicemail for a candidate, you would manually change the status to left voicemail.

Here is more information about applicant statuses:

Emailing and Texting Applicants

You have the option to communicate with candidates via email or text. To do so you can either click on the email or phone number listed under the basic information section or you can click on the actions dropdown and choose to send a text or an email. If you click on “send email”, you will be taken to an email form where you can either type out an email, or choose a templated one. For example, if you wanted to schedule an interview with a candidate, click the existing “requested interview” template, and the templated message will populate to the screen along with the merge fields. So rather than having to type out the candidates name and “company”, it automatically populates the correct information. You can also see the other merge fields that are available by clicking on the “insert merge field” dropdown, and you can add these to any of your emails. Once the email is sent, a preview of the message will populate to this window over here and when the candidate replies, their response will also populate to this window along with your email inbox, so it’s up to you where you’d prefer to respond from.

If you click on “send text” under the actions column, the same window will pop up and it’s a very similar process to emailing where you can either type out a message or choose one from the list of templates. The way that texting works is that the Apploi team sets up a general phone number with your area code that’s tied to your account, so you’ll be sending texts directly from Apploi rather than from your cell phone, so when you send a text, both the message and the candidates reply will show up in this window and you’ll also be notified via email when you receive a text from a candidate. We highly recommend using the texting feature because we’ve seen really high and fast response rates with it.

Here is more information on texting and emailing:

Notes and Tasks

If you click on either Notes or Tasks, it will open the same window. This is where you can write any updates about an applicant, for example, you can write that they have flexible availability and pay rate requests. When you click add, you’ll see the note, who wrote it, and the date that it was added and you’ll also have the option to edit or delete notes that you’ve written, but if any other user were to write a note, you would only be able to view it. This feature is great to use so that everyone on your team is aware of where the candidate is at in the interview process.

Now under the tasks section, you can create a to-do list for yourself, so if you know that you need to follow up with a candidate, all you need to do is click add, select the due date, the type of task, and you’ll see a few different options here, and any details about the task. You can also assign a task to one of your colleagues. Once you click save, you’ll also be able to filter by any tasks that you have due on the applicants page to see what you need to follow up on.

Here is more information about notes and tasks:



Activity Log

There’s also a View Activity Log button which allows you to see all of the activity and changes that have been made to an applicant and you can also see who is making those updates.

Here is more information on the Activity Log:

Share Application

You can also share a candidate's application with coworkers via email. If you click on this you can add the email of whoever you’d like to share it with, and once you click to share, they will receive an email with a link to review the application.

Here is more information on sharing an application:

View Application

There’s also a View Application button that will allow you to see the full application in PDF format including any screening questions they answered. You have the ability to download or print the application from here.

View Resume

Then there is also the “View Resume” button which will bring you to the same PDF Resume as the Full Resume button.

Archive Candidates

Lastly, you’ll see the Archive Candidates button which we recommend using if you no longer need to communicate with candidates, so if they’re unqualified, or if they’ve been hired, you can archive them. Once you click “archive candidate” and click “yes”, the candidate will be moved from the active list of applicants into an archive folder, so you’re never deleting their information. You still have access to those applicants and can communicate with them.

Here is more information on archiving candidates:

Applicant Page

Applicant's Main Page

In the applicants page, you can see that most everything from the individual application is available here but just in a different layout. If you hover over the actions section, you’ll also see a lot of the same action items like emailing, texting, and archiving, so it’s up to you where you’d like to take those actions from.

There is an applicant pipeline at the top of the page with all the different interview stages and it will also show you the total number of applicants within that stage. When you hover over a stage, it will also show you how many candidates fall within each status. If you want to filter by one of the stages, you can click on the stage, and that will filter down to only the applicants that have the statuses that are included in the stage that you selected. To remove the filter, you can click back on the stage, and now you’ll be brought back to the full list of applicants. This can also be customized, so if you find that some stages don’t align with your interview process, you can always adjust those by clicking on the Edit Pipeline Stages button which is available only at the Parent level.

Here is more information on how to edit your pipeline stage:

You’ll notice here that there’s a green line next to some candidates' names, and this just means that the application has not yet been viewed, so once the candidate is clicked in to, the green line will disappear.

You are also able to find archived candidates by clicking on the arrows next to “all applicants”. If you click on the “archived” bubble, you’ll see the full list of archived candidates, and if you change your mind, you can always unarchive a candidate by hovering over the actions section and clicking on the unarchive this applicant icon, and then that candidate will be moved back to the all applicants list.

Here is more information on how to review an applicant:

You can also see there’s a number listed next to some of the applicant’s names, and this indicates that they’ve applied for multiple jobs at your company, so if you click in, you’ll see which jobs they applied for and their stage in the interview process.

Last Contacted

The “last contacted” section will be helpful for you to see when you last communicated with a candidate. If there is a green dot next to the communication, this means you have an unviewed communication. Once you click into that communication, the green dot will disappear. You will also notice there will be a green number at the top of that column if there are multiple unviewed communications. If you click on the filter icon, you’ll have the ability to filter by different types of communication. For example, if you wanted to see everyone that you had sent an email to, you can filter by “email” that will show you a list of candidates that you’ve most recently communicated with.

Here is more information on viewing your communication history:


In this Interview column, you have the ability to keep track of scheduled interviews. To schedule a new interview, you can click on the plus sign and you’ll be able to choose the date, the time, the duration, and you can also select an interviewer. When you click schedule, it confirms the details of the interview, and you can add it to your calendar if you use Google Calendar, Outlook, or iCalendar. You can also filter by any upcoming interviews, so if you want to see the interviews that you have scheduled for the week, you can select the next 7 days filter, and you’ll see a list of the applicants that you have interviews scheduled with.

Here is more information on interviewing:


If you end up rating an applicant, you can sort by highest to lowest or lowest to highest rating by clicking on the rating header, and it will automatically sort from highest to lowest giving you a quick way to determine who you’d like to reach out to.

Here is more information on rating your applicants:

Statuses and Bulk Actions

You can also filter by statuses to find certain groups of applicants. For example, if you wanted to filter by everyone you’ve left a voicemail for, you can apply that filter and now you’ll just see a list of candidates that you’ve left voicemails for.

Here is more information about filtering:

If you want to follow up with these applicants, you can send them a text or email by hovering over the actions column, or you can also do this in bulk to help save time and streamline the interview process. Same as on the jobs page, you can click on the checkbox next to the applicant name, and then you’ll see a few different actions up top that you can take. You have the option to email or text candidates from here, and if you want to schedule an interview with all of these candidates at once via email, click on the email icon and choose the “schedule interview” template and then the template will appear in the body. Once you click to send the email, this will send a customized message to each candidate that you’ve selected.

You also have the option to download applications in bulk, update statuses in bulk, and lastly you can archive candidates in bulk.

Here is more information on bulk actions on the applicants page:

The last feature available here is the move application to a new job feature, and this isn’t commonly used in bulk, but if you were to check off an individual candidate and realize that they could be a better fit for another one of your jobs, rather than having them complete another application, you could instead just click the dropdown and find the job that you’d like to move them to.

Here is more information on moving applications:

Admin Features

There are a variety of different admin options that are available and you’ll find these under your name in the top right corner of the page.

Question Templates

This is where you’ll be able to go in and add screening questions for either first or second stage and interview guide.

Here is more information on question templates:

Job Description

Under your job description is where you will be able to create and edit job descriptions so that you can reuse them when you create or edit a job.

Here is more information on Job Description:

Stage Manager / Workflows

On the Applicants page, you’ll also notice the applicant pipeline up top with all the different interview stages, and it also shows you the total number of applicants within that stage. This can also be customized, so if you find that some stages don’t align with your interview process, you can always adjust those by clicking on the Edit Pipeline Stages button.

Here is more information on how to edit your pipeline stage:

If you're looking for a way to have automated emails or text messages to be sent out to applicants and for automatic status changes to be made, you have the ability to set that up under Workflows.

Here is more information on Workflows:

Users and Access

This shows you who has access to the account and what jobs they’ll be able to see when they’re logged in. You’ll also have the option to add new team members by clicking this “add or invite user” button and from here you’ll enter in their name and email address and you’ll also need to assign a role, which determines how the user will be able to see the account and the actions that they have available.

Here is more information on Users and Access:

To get a better idea of what those roles mean, you can hover over the question mark, but just to explain them at a high level, a super admin has full access to the account, so when a new job is created they’ll automatically have access to it, and can create new jobs and add new users. An admin is similar in that they have the ability to create new jobs and add new users, but they need to be assigned manually to jobs, which I’ll show you how to do in a little bit, and a member is the lowest level of access and they’re only able to view jobs that they’ve been assigned to, but they can’t create anything.

Here is more information on user roles:

Once you’ve added that information and click invite, that person will receive an email to get set up in the system.

Email and Text Templates

There are numerous emailing and texting templates that are automatically available for you to help save you time and streamline your interview process. Rather than having to copy and paste or re-type the same messages, you can always come into this section to create a new template that you and the rest of your team will be able to use moving forward.

Here is more information on email and text templates:

Company Profile

When a candidate completes an application from your website, they will be automatically directed to your Company Profile where they can search for other jobs or learn more about your business. Your company profile will also give you the opportunity to showcase your jobs on your company Facebook or LinkedIn page.

Here is more information on the Company Profile and connecting your social media accounts:

My Notifications

You have the option to receive email notifications anytime an applicant completes a document packet or for tasks. You are able to toggle on email notifications for both documents and tasks under My Notifications.

Here is more information on My Notifications:


You have the ability to run numerous different reports so that you can analyze your recruitment efforts and applicants.

Here is more information on Analytics:

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