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Teachers: Using ClassCover
Teachers: Using ClassCover

Your profile, getting booked by schools, updating availability and more

Flexi Bookings explained: New addition to your booking request invite
Why taking action on your ClassCover profile if you aren't available helps your school community
Job Seeker and PD only profiles: Switching bookings ON and OFF
How to let schools know your job role on ClassCover
Inactive profile - How to reactivate your account
How to turn off bookings but keep your account to apply for jobs and access PD
How to show you are fully vaccinated on your ClassCover profile
Updating your availability in bulk with the recurring availability updater
Request to join a school on ClassCover
Shareable Teacher Portfolios
Mandatory training and certificates for NSW DET Teachers
Everything you need to know to get booked as a relief teacher on ClassCover
Getting started as a casual teacher on ClassCover
Teacher profile tips and tricks to stand out
You can now select how you would like to use ClassCover so we're always sending you relevant info
You can now select if you are interested in tutoring via your profile
How to access MyPL Mandatory Training (NSW Department of Education)
Deactivating your profile on ClassCover
How to use the filters in the Bookings History screen in app
Accepting a booking - SMS update
How to upload documents to your ClassCover profile
How to turn on Push Notifications and accept bookings
Trouble uploading documents or profile photo to your ClassCover profile
Can ClassCover de-activate my teacher profile?
Credentials needed to teach in NSW DoE Schools
Not receiving Push Notifications on Android phones
Top 5 Tips On Building Strong School Relationships And Securing More Work
Email notification settings
I’ve just been told to complete my profile, what do I need to do?
How Do I Get Added to a School's List?
I just received a text message telling me to create a profile on ClassCover?
Reactivating a suspended ClassCover account?
Making your ClassCover profile only view-able to schools you have accepted an invite from
Schools cannot see my availability
Booking confirmation received in error
A school cannot find me on the database
Finding Schools In The Area That Use ClassCover
Accessing mandatory Anaphylaxis and E-Emergency Care courses
Does ClassCover Pay The Teachers?
A School Has Disappeared From 'My Bookings and Schools'
Working with Children check information (NSW)
Anaphylaxis, E-Emergency Care and Working with Children Qualifications
What is the hourly rate for Teaching Assistants in NSW?
Updating Your Availability Status
NSW teacher verification feature and users without a NESA ID
SMS on ClassCover
Cancelling a Booking via Teacher Profile
Changing your password in the ClassCover app on your mobile phone