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Everything you need to know about myHSA
Adding WSA Items (Plan Admin)
Understanding the Difference Between Utilization and Bank Rec Reports
Transactions on myHSAA quick look into how transactions work on myHSA, and why we need bank information inputted on our system.
How do I cancel my myHSA account?
My Employee is going on Leave, how does this affect their account with myHSA
Introduction to myHSAEverything you need to know if you are new to myHSA
How to Submit Feedback?Tell us what you think!
How to Allocate on a plan with Several Distributions in the YearNo matter your distribution schedule - knowing how to Allocate your initial distribution will help you plan out your year.
What's a "Service Receipt?"
Stay in the Know: Claim Updates Straight to Your Phone!How to set up notifications for myHSA updates
What is a "Letter of Medical Necessity"?What is a "Letter of Medical Necessity" and why are you asking me for it?
What Happens to the myHSA Account After my Tenure with my Company has ended?
I Forgot my Password!
How to Make a ClaimA step by step guide to making a claim with myHSA.
How to Respond to an AdjudicatorIf your claim is pending more information, here is how you can respond to the adjudicator!
How do I know what is Eligible on my Plan?Understanding Eligibility is the first step to making the most of your benefits!
My Claim says "PAID" but I don't see it in my accountWhat does it mean if your claim says "PAID" but it doesn't show deposited in my account?
How To Submit Previous Year Claims
List of Covered ItemsHere is a list of HSA Covered Items
Is Pre-natal Genetic Testing Eligible under an HSA?Prenatal Genetic Testing, NIPT, and ultra-sounds - are these eligible expenses?
What's the Difference between HSA and WSA?Health Spending vs. Wellness Spending - what's the difference?
What's my Claim Status?Understanding the status of your claim, and when you can expect reimbursement
myHSA Plan Administrator Reports GuideA guide to all reports for Plan Administrators!
Do I have to report myHSA under the new Canada Dental Benefit?Tips on how to report an HSA under the new Canada Dental Benefit
Are Vaccines Eligible under an HSA?
Is Dermatology an Eligible myHSA expense?Dermatologists are a recognized medical practitioner - but does that mean everything they do is eligible for reimbursement under an HSA?
Are Fertility Treatments Eligible under an HSA?Understanding Fertility Treatments, and their Eligibility under an HSA
A Step-by-Step Guide to Setting Up Your myHSA Account for the First Time
I didn't get my Verification Code?
Are Seasonal Employees eligible to have an HSA?
Adding Dependents to your Profile
How do I talk to a Representative?
Coordinating an HSA with Insurance
Why are you asking for my Bank Info?
Understanding BalancesIt’s almost renewal time, and we always get questions about Current, Carryover and Reserve!
We don't have a Policy Number with myHSA?Policy Numbers, Group numbers etc. We don't have them! Here is why.
How long until I receive my reimbursement?
How to Ensure Reimbursement (the first time!)To approve a claim, we need an official service receipt! Here is more information about what that looks like.
myHSA Advisor Reports GuideEverything about myHSA Reports
Element of Risk - What does it mean?
Distribution Schedules
Funds Carryover VS. Expense CarryoverA guide for Advisors
Can Spouses (who are both Employees at the same company) have their own myHSA accounts?
The Trillium Program and MyHSA
Can a Sole Proprietor have an HSA?
Meet your myHSA Client Tab!How to add your clients, manage your clients, and view their employees
How to add a Plan AdministratorA step-by-step guide to adding a Plan Admin
Change from a myHSA to a myFlexplan, it's easy!A step-by-step guide to moving your client to the best plan we offer!
What is Normalized Income?
myFlexplan Allocation Guide
What is the 10% Buffer?
Should I set up a WSA for a Company Owner/Shareholder?
How to Change a Plan Limit (for Advisors)
Sample Bank Rec Report
Who is "Sage?"Sage is our automated customer service rep. Her name stands for "Spending Account Guidance and Expertise"!
What is a "Bank Error" notification, and How do I fix it?How to correct your bank information so that we can get your deposit to you asap!
How do I access my Travel Insurance?Navigating Your Travel Insurance: A User Guide
METC vs myHSAShould you claim your medical expense using the Medical Expense Tax Credit, or under your Health Spending Account?
Why NOT to Run an HSA In-House
Can I backdate a myHSA plan?
Understanding Taxes on HSA and WSA Claims in Ontario
What to do if there is a Discrepancy in your Reporting
When can I Increase a Plan Amount?Understanding the "Element of Risk" in Health Spending Accounts: Guidelines for Mid-Year Changes
How Advisors Can Split Fees with Referral Partners on myHSA
How to Add an Employee - A Guide for Plan AdministratorsA Step-by-Step Guide to Adding Employees
Health Spending Accounts (HSAs) as Survivor Benefits: A Guide for Employers
How to Terminate an Employee Account in myHSA
How to Close a Company Account in myHSA: A guide for Advisors
Understanding Your Balance: Is It Individual or Shared?
What do I do if my Account has been Locked?
How to Manage Add-ons for your ClientmyHSA has several Add-on products available to customers. Here is a quick guide to them!
I'm a new Advisor to myHSA - How do I Set up my First Client?A Step-by-Step Guide to Success for Advisors
How to Pull Your Claims History on myHSAPulling a PDF or Report of your Claims History
Why is my Claim Pending?
What is an "Explanation of Benefits"If you are being asked for an "Explanation of Benefits" or "EOB", what does that mean?
Why myHSA Doesn’t Offer Direct Billing or a Wallet Card
Why Don’t I Have the Option to Allocate Anymore?
How to Get in Touch with a Live Agent at myHSA
What to Do If You Get a 403 Forbidden Error
I have more than one myHSA login, how do I switch to my other one?
Can I claim a Receipt that is more than my Available Balance?
What to do if you get an error "No Balance Available" when you are submitting a Claim
Understanding Claims for Services by Practicum Practitioners with myHSA
Can I use Next Years Balance for an Expense from This Year?
The Employee Experience with myHSA
Does myHSA offer Short-Term Disability?
Troubleshooting Login Issues on myHSA: "This Email is not Available"
Does myHSA distribute T4s for Advisors?
When will my Plan Renew?
How to Resend an Employee's Welcome Email
How do I Receive Reimbursement?
I don't know what the best category to select is!
Common Reasons Claims get Denied by myHSA
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) for myHSA Plan Administrators
How to Claim for DependentsHow to claim for dependents or your spouse
How to Maximize your Benefits with myHSA
What Happens to a Company Balance if They Leave myHSA?
Can I Reallocate my myFlexplan Funds?
Can I Add Funds/Money to My HSA Account?
Build Better Benefits: Your Guide to Setting Up myHSA for Your Team
What to do if your name on myHSA doesn't match the name on your invoice
How to Update Your Email Address on Your myHSA Profile
Adding Plan Administrators to Your Company Account
The Importance of Signing Plan Administrator Terms and Conditions for myHSA
How do I get my claim Reversed?
Staying On-Top of your health - Use your myHSA Account for Preventative Health Screenings
How to Make Your Benefits Inclusive for Gender Affirmation
Supporting LGBTQ+ Initiatives: How myFlexplan Can Enhance LGBTQ+ Support Programs
Supporting Indigenous Employees and their Families with myFlexplan
Claiming WSA Items Purchased Second-Hand
Why is my Starting Balance less than the Plan Amount?
What is an HSA?
Best Practices for Keeping Your myHSA Account Secure
Understanding the "Hospital Bills" Category Under an HSA
Maximizing Your Health Spending Account (HSA)
What to Do if You Receive a Corporate Bank Error Notification Email
How Do I Use My Reserve Balance?
How to Claim a Partial Amount on myHSA
How do I Edit my Bank Info?
Tips for Plan Administrators: Engaging Employees and Boosting Utilization
How to Cancel a Claim on myHSA
Understanding How Reimbursement Works for Claims
Why Prepayments Are Not Eligible for Reimbursement
Can I Submit a Claim by Mail?
What’s the Difference Between an HSA and Regular Insurance?What’s the difference between a health spending account and Insurance?
A guide to Spending Account Taxes for AdvisorsLets explore Taxation as it relates to WSAs and HSAs!
What does the Multiple Allowable Category mean?What can you claim under the “Multiple Allowable Expenses” Category?
The Transferability of Your myHSAIs your myHSA transferable? Let's discuss!
How Health and Wellness Spending Accounts Complement Traditional Benefits Plans
How Offering Health and Wellness Spending Accounts Can Set You Apart as an Insurance Advisor
Setting up a Health and Wellness Spending Account
How to Educate Small Business Clients About the Value of Health and Wellness Spending Accounts
Overcoming Common Objections to Health and Wellness Spending Accounts
Why Wellness Spending Accounts are Essential for Small Businesses
Are Private Medical Memberships Eligible under an HSA?
Allstate Comprehensive Critical Illness Insurance with myHSA
My claims are Approved and say "PAID" , but I haven't received Payment!
What to Do If You Didn't Receive a Verification Code
Why Was My Claim Denied When a Similar Claim Was Approved Before?
Is it too late to change my Balance Allocation?
Where Can I Find Marketing Materials?
How Do I Speak With My Claims Adjudicator?
The Life Cycle of a ClaimWhat happens after you submit a claim? Lets take a closer look at the process!
5 Common Claim Denial Reasons and How to Avoid ThemHas your claim been denied? One of the 5 scenarios below may be the reason why.
What is the "Billing Code" Field for on the Company Profile?
Why Do Employees Have to Be Enrolled in a Specific Plan?
Can Shareholders have an HSA?
Understanding the Trillium Program and Your HSA
Does myHSA Have LTD or STD Insurance Offering?
How to Bring Clients Over from a Previous HSA Provider to myHSA
Agent of Record (AOR) Process at myHSA
Are Holding Companies Eligible for an HSA?
Is it Possible to Prorate an Employee Balance?
Can I Cash Out myHSA or myWSA?
What Should I Do with My Unused HSA Funds?
What Should I Do with My Unused WSA Funds?
How Do I Carry Over Funds from the Previous Year Into the New Benefit Year?
How to Resend the Plan Administrator Welcome Email
I didn't receive my Welcome Email!
How to Implement a WSA Claim Payout Freeze Over Year-End
How to get your Advisor Deposit Report!
How to Access Your Plan Details on the myHSA Employee Dashboard
How (and Why) to Run a Utilization Report in myHSA
How to Add a Custom Wellness Item to a myWSA or myFlexplan
A Guide to your Allocation Tab
What is a WSA (Wellness Spending Account)?
Mythbusting: Upgrading from myHSA to myFlexplan Doesn't Cost More!
How to Add a New Plan/Class to an Existing Client in Just a Few Steps
How to Check your Claims History
Our Multi-Jurisdictional Approach to Practitioner Eligibility
Delayed Deposits Over the Holidays
Why Doesn’t myHSA Have a Call Centre?
How Plan Administrators and Finance Teams Can Use myHSA Reports with Billing Codes
How to Change Your Plan Allocation for Next Year: A Step-by-Step Guide
How Does the Carryover of Unused Credits Work?
What to Do If You Haven’t Received Your Deposit
How Do I Check My Grace Period?
Why Might One of My Claims Be Pending While Another is Approved?
Are WSA items bought online based on Purchase date or Delivery Date?
Are WSA Memberships Based on Purchase Date or Membership Period?
Introducing Our New and Improved Claim Experience!
What Happens If I Don’t Allocate My Funds in Time?
Can I Change My Allocation Later?
Why Do I Need to Allocate All My Funds Upfront?
How Much of My Balance Rolls Over, and When Does It Expire?
When Does the Allocation Window Close?
How Do "Taxable Benefits" Work?
Will I Receive a Tax Form for Claims Made?
Who Do I Contact If I Have Questions?
Where can I find information about my benefits?
Why Can’t I Make a Claim During my Allocation Window?
Can I Reallocate My Carryover?
Why Can’t I Edit My Employees’ Bank Information?
Why Can't I Type in a Balance on My Claim?
Can I use my New Funds for an Expense from Last Year?
Can I Buy More Than One of the Same Item and Still Claim It?
What to Do if a Claim is DeniedA step-by-step guide to Approval
How to Change the Annual Limit for Your Client as of the Last Renewal
Why Don’t All Classes Appear in the Dropdown When Changing an Employee's Class?
Allocating Your myFlexplan Funds on a Distribution Schedule
Understanding myHSA Funding Options
Why Can’t I Unlock My Employee’s Account?
Where Can I Get My Clients' Printable Travel Insurance Card?
Claiming WSA Expenses Across Plan Years
Understanding the Length of Your Grace Period
What do I put as the "Service Date" on my claim?
Does myHSA Send Tax Slips to Employees for Taxable benefits?
Is a Child in Shared Custody an Eligible Dependent Under an HSA?
Why Employers Must Class Employees on a Spending Account
Understanding CRA's Medical Travel Expense Rates: Why They Aren't Always Updated at the Start of the Year
I Missed My Allocation Window—What Can I Do?
Reimbursing Your Deductible
Understanding Eligibility for Medical Devices and Equipment that are not listed on your HSA
Why myHSA asks for Corporate Bank information - and How we Keep it Safe